7 Ways To Keep Your Motivation To Workout On Steroids - 3 minutes read

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With this long-term lockdown in place, you may be fed up of working out: you'd rather sleep, watch TV, read, call a friend or tow or three.

If you are like most people, you don't want to go and do your workout just yet.

It can wait.

There are a thousand and one other excuses that your mind can make up in a jiffy for not working out.

So what will force you to get up out of that couch to actually getting up and working out or hitting the park for a joyful run?

Realize that what motivates one person to get off their butt may do nothing at all for another.

So here are seven different motivation to workout ideas designed to help you to get motivated to pursue the workout that you need.

1. Try a new routine. Instead of always going through the same routine day in day out, do something different like lifting some weights or doing some bench presses, jogging, riding a bicycle, Tabata, HIIT training. Variety makes it more interesting.

2. Think about that dress, pants or bathing suit that you are going to fit into next month or so. Meditate, visualize clearly in your minds eye, the shape and figure you are going to be when you fit into it. You'll look gorgeous. Feel gorgeous and happy.

3. Set a specific, measurable goal by a certain time frame. When you have a clear, well defined goal to aim for, you will be surprised at how much motivation to workout that gives you.

4. Set up a blog or journal to record your daily workout routine. Let your friends and family know the url to your blog, or read to them from your journal and ask them to comment on it. When you know your friends will be asking you about whether you have done enough exercise today, you will just want to do it.

5. Find an accountability partner. You don't have to like them, in fact it might be better if you don't. At a set time each day, call each other and report on whether each of you has done his workout quota for the day, and what the experiences were. Make it a non-negotiable routine.

6. Pay yourself for meeting your workout goals. When you reach a certain amount of hours, or when you are lifting or running a certain amount for a certain number of repetitions each day, reward yourself. Celebrate! No, not with food, but perhaps you can get that set of weights you have been eyeing, or that spanking new running jacket.

7. Do your workout first thing in the morning. The longer you wait, and have just that one more coffee, and one more page of reading that book, the motivation to workout may fizzle out. When you get cracking the moment you are awake, you will tend to enjoy your workout for better and longer.

Hopefully, one or more of the motivating factors above will help you to go and do your workout right now.

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