Losing weight by drinking a cup of tea - 5 minutes read

Being #Overweight

This Article is about being overweight and losing weight. Here you’ll find the best method to lose #weight in a short period of time. 

The problem of being overweight in the US

Now-days more people are overweight than ever before. There are more than 31.8% of overweight men and women in the #US. So, there are over 103,500,000 overweight people in the country, that’s a third of the population. On the BMI ( Body Mass Index) you can check if you are overweight or in a healthy weight.


Why are so many people overweight?

The main reasons why so many people are overweight is that:

  • they don’t eat healthy food, for example, vegetables or fruits
  • they eat too much unhealthy food with a lot of fat
  • they drink too many soft drinks with a lot of sugar in it
  • they don’t do any physical activities

Another reason is that American society is structured by productivity pressure and long work hours. This leads to a lot of stress and non-sufficient sleep.

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Consequences of being overweight

Being overweight can bring a lot of health problems. It results in such diseases as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, strokes, certain types of cancer, gallbladder disease, arthritis, breathing problems, kidney disease, kidney failure, and many others. It could even shorten your life

Which ways are there to lose weight?

Now-days there are many various ways of losing weight. For example, you could be more active in doing exercises, you could follow some special diets or reduce consuming unhealthy drinks, food, and sweets. A lot of people simply don’t see any motivation in losing weight or they want to lose weight but don’t want to do anything for it. You need three things to lose weight.

  • Willpower
  • Motivation 
  • Mindset


How will you do it?

If you have these three things but you don’t know where to start, then I have the perfect product for you. With this product you won’t exercise hard every day, you will exercise SMART. You will detoxify your body and you will have a healthy lifestyle. The best thing about it is that you can achieve this simply by drinking red tea.

Click here for an incredibly powerful fat burner! This revolutionary compound makes your body burn fat for fuel! Visit the site to start losing belly fat fast!

About the product itself

Drinking red tea detox you are detoxifying your body and can lose almost 14 lbs quickly and safely in just a few weeks. This is based on more than 500 medical studies and almost 3 years of real-world testing. The book is divided into three sections.

1. Diet: In this section of the book you will learn about the importance of detoxifying your body before starting losing weight, as toxins hold your metabolism back and reduce the benefits of the red tea for the mind and body. You will also learn about energy-rich food that can help you burn fat faster.

2. Exercise: This part of the book is about the diet portion of the red tea detox. Here you will find a variety of supercharged exercises. Combined with the metabolism-boosting diet this quick and effective routine will burn your fat much faster.

3. Willpower, Motivation, and Mindset: The third section of the book contains some of the most common myths about willpower and how important motivation can revolutionize your weight loss and your life. This is a vital part of the book and it has helped many people to lose weight for good.

These three sections together create one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-use detoxification programs today. People all over the world are using the red tea detox for losing weight quickly and easily which results in achieving a happier and healthier life.


Effects of the red tea detox

First of all, this red tea has a lot of benefits and effects that will help you to lose weight. The red tea detox program is specially designed to do several things in the body. It’s designed to trigger the body’s natural fat-burning system by cleaning and detoxifying the body of toxins which will allow the body to shrink fat cells more efficiently that will kill the appetite and reduce cravings and the feeling of being hungry. 

About the author of the product


Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller is the best selling Amazon author who has helped more than thousands of men and women to lose weight in the past 15 years. She has over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath specializing in healing through nutrition. Liz has a degree in psychology and Naturopathy. Liz used to be overweight since her childhood, but then she decided that something needs to be changed. She began to write books about losing weight, based on her own experience and her research. Her goal is to educate as many people as possible about the healing effects of food and teach them how to incorporate these changes in daily life.

Cons and pros of the red tea detox 


  1. It’s easy to lose weight with it
  2. When purchasing it you will get a 14-day meal diet 
  3. It doesn't contain any dairy, sugar, gluten or caffeine 
  4. When purchasing it, you will get an exercise plan 
  5. No calorie counting, no bad food, and no calculation points
  6. Your energy will boost and sleeping habits will improve
  7. Very reasonable in its price
  8. It’s completely natural and tastes good
  9. Food flexibility 
  10. Safe way to lose weight
  11. Proof that Liz Swann Miller helped other people to lose weight 


  1. It doesn't give instant results 
  2. You need to pay a few extra pounds for the audio version of the book 
  3. The author repeats herself a lot in the eBook


Are you now confused? If so, then it’s completely normal. Every single fact about this magical tea from Africa can be overwhelming. You will read a lot of different opinions such as that losing weight is easy, that you are the only one who is doing it wrong and that you should eat less and exercise more. But let’s be honest you shouldn’t believe this talking. My advice is that you should just follow the moderate diet offered by the red tea detox program that won’t be tiresome. 

Get it now:







