Peak Academic Coaching Can End Students' Struggle with Executive Functioning Skills - 2 minutes read

Many students face invisible problems that make it hard for them to do well in school. This is not a challenge of grasping difficult topics, or difficult assignments. It’s about executive functioning skills. The skills that keep mental processes running to plan, concentrate, remember, and handle many things at once. Many students lack these skills which makes them feel frustrated when they are not able to finish homework, or when they miss deadlines.

Peak Academic Coaching presents a solution of this problem by providing executive function coach to address the needs of students. Its academic coaches are different from other tutoring service providers because they focus on overall development with executive functioning skills. Every student at the coaching is paired with an academic coach who forms an executive functioning skills training program that is unique to every student.

Let’s understand more about how Peak Academic Coaching can help your child:

Setting up Habits and Routines

It has been found that children who lack executive functioning skills aren’t able to establish routines and goals on their own. The coaches at Peak Academic Coaching focus on important tasks that help students stay away from distractions while focusing on the task at hand. Executive functioning coach can help students figure out how to best use their time, and think about important things in life.

Curriculum Based on Evidence

Peak Academic Coaching bases its curriculum on proven methods that have worked for numerous students. The methods are customized for each student, as per the needs of the student. So, coaching programs are directly matched with the unique personality of students so that they can focus on their problems and develop executive functioning skills.

Works with Subject Specific Tutoring

Peak Academic Coaching offers an academic platform along with the executive skill development program so that students can focus on both aspects of learning. The program is based on helping students get the freedom they need while learning everything they need on specific subjects.

How to start with Peak Academic Coaching

Using Peak Academic Coaching is easy to get started with. The student is matched with the right ADHD tutoring coach after a free consultation. From there, the process starts. Students learn how to plan their time well so they can study and reach their academic goals.

For more information on courses and curriculum, visit

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