Concerning Climate Change United States - 3 minutes read

What’s happening to our earth’s climate? Pollution, global warming, shifting of the poles, rise in population. There are global conferences nationally and internationally to deal with this concern. But the one Concerning Climate Change that everyone seems to overlook is the most important climate that must be changed for without it nothing else matters. The climate of relationships. Divorce rates for 1st marriages are 40–50%, second marriages 60–67%, and over 7% of the US population marry 3 or more times. 61% of adults 18 or older received treatment for major depressive episodes. Why is it so hard, nearly impossible for two people to have a long-term lasting relationship? And why are some many people struggling to find joy in life?

I’ve already addressed the issue of Religious Trauma, which always is a factor. But focusing on obstacles can itself become a problem, a distraction. The only way forward, beyond this toxicity, whatever the source, is to look within. A change of climate must occur within before it can happen between. There must be a seismic shift, a global warming in one’s understanding of who they are as Conscious Beings.

It begins by accepting the fact that none of us were born broken, needing to be fixed or sinners, needing to be saved, or lost souls wandering through various lives seeking the light. Further, the answer to our true essence won’t be discovered lounging in a pool of wealth or holding a position of political power. It won’t come from a magic pill manufactured by Father Pharma, or yoga, as Modi suggests, or a trip to Nepal.

Over our lives, our view of ourselves is shaped by how others see us. This includes our physical vessels, our personalities, our talents, and our temperaments. Regardless of the attributes we possess or don’t, what matters most is what others make of us. Our view of ourselves is servant to others’ view of us. We believe what they see more than we believe what we know.

What you need to get beyond the pollution of your person is a change of scenery, a new view. Only this view is the French word for view, VUE, which happens to be the acronym that will get the fire of your BEING burning inside and spread to everything and everyone around you.

You are Valuable just because you breathe. You are Unique, no one like you. You are Essential, no spare parts to life. That is the “Tell them what you are going to Tell them” introduction we were taught in high school English class.

Now I invite you to join with me so I can TELL you the importance of awakening to your VUE so you can BE who you really are, a Conscious Being, an immortal living in a mortal body. And that seismic tsunami shift will reshape your world starting on the inside. Click this link and let’s begin our journey together to change your personal climate today. NOTHING is more important.

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