Harvesting - 1 minute read

Effort is seeds we plant for our harvest of resultsA new month is here, fall weather, colder evenings and warm times with family and friends.This month has two full moons today and October 31st. Tonight is the harvest moon.I choose to share some thoughts of the harvest this month. What we sow we shall reap, so if we want to reap good we shall and should sow them now.Hard work, consistent effort and action daily will produce a product.If you look for product with out any effort you have to know in advance youwill get what you will get.It is worth saying again, 'in the seed time we learn, in the harvest time we teach and in the winter time we enjoy from what we learn and from who we taught.Share ~ Love ~ Be kind ~ Smile ~ Reap ~ Enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Share kindness and share a smile!Embrace always, smile forever and share united.