How to Create Money With Online Marketing Even If You're Not Actually Working - 3 minutes read

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It's everyone's dream... Living your life, enjoying the free time you have, while piles of cash pour into your bank account. This sounds like something out of a movie. But it couldn't be further from reality. No, I don't believe you can do this overnight, unless you have a huge advertising budget. Yes, I do believe you can do this with time. Perhaps in 6 months' time, you have enough to quit your job and go "full-time" online.

So what does this whole process consist of? I can tell you right now that there is no such thing as "one click" software that will pull in cash on demand. Well, maybe there are some things close to this, but do not take this literally. What you can do though is build a real business that consists of paying customers. People who are already looking for what it is you are offering.

Just like you are reading this article right at this very moment, other people are looking for information online. So I want you to imagine what your life would be like if you had the ability to step in-front of these people. Let's say that you are selling a $100 product. Imagine if you can step in-front of 100 people every day. Let's also say that you product converts at.01%. That would be one sale.

So every single day, you would make $100. That's $3,000 per month. Could you live comfortably with an extra $3,000 per month? If you can't, then you are further than most people. So do you understand this?

You need a website to do the "selling and telling" for you. If you have this in place, you can do whatever you want, and still make money because your marketing campaigns are running all the time. The internet never sleeps. So if you have 20 articles out there ranking for several different types of keywords, you'll have people visiting your website all day long.

Can you imagine what kind of freedom this will bring you? You don't even have to pick one niche topic. You can promote products in all sorts of different niches. Like the gardening niche. How about the "chicken coop" niche? You can sell affiliate products in all of these niches. This gives you complete freedom. Complete freedom over your life. Sound good? I thought so! What are you going to do now?

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