How Many Types of Asanas are there in Yoga - 6 minutes read

Friends, There are 84 types of yoga poses in our Vedic Culture. Yoga asanas play a very big role in keeping our bodies healthy. If we talk about our Ancient Time, then according to 84 lakh yonis, 84 lakh asanas are considered. These poses are practiced according to the structure of the body and its functioning. It is believed that if you practice these yoga poses well then all your mul chakra get activated. Some yoga exercises are simple but some are advanced. Their simplicity and rigor depend upon their practice. In today's article, I will explain to you about 84 major 7 major yoga exercises in detail. Let us now begin with How Many Types of Asanas are there in yoga. LIST OF YOGA ASANAS- Let me tell you the names of some major Yoga asanas. 1) Sarvangasana 11) Malasana 21) Garudasana 31) Vajrasana 2) Balasana 12) Siddhasana 22) Makarasana 32) Padmasana 3) Trikonasana 13) Monkey Pose 23) Bhadrasana 33) Dhanurasana 4) Chakrasana 14) Virasana 24) Dandasana 34) Naukasana 5) Kagasana 15) Fish Pose 25) Sirsasana 35) S inghasana 6) Bakasana 16) Lord Dance Pose 26) Ustrasana 36) Ardha Chakrasana 7) Mayurasana 17) Halasana 27) Vrikashasana 37) Ardha Balasana 8) Gomukhasana 18) Shavasana 28) Paschimottanasana 38) Supta Vajrasana 9) Tadasana 19) Kursiasana 29) Vrischikasana 10) Padhastasana 20) Sukhasana 30) Bhujangasana TOP 7 YOGA POSES- Let's be friends, let's discuss 7 of the top poses above. 1) SARVANGASANA (SHOULDER STAND POSE)- Sarvangasana is also named as shoulder stand pose. This yoga poses has lots of Health benefits, this asana provides agility and strength to our body. This asana strengthens our shoulders. This is also called an inverted pose because your blood will be circulating in the reverse direction. Which means from your lower body to your head. This asana is very effective for glows in your skin. These types of yoga poses are very effective for your hair growth. Let’s start with the shoulder stand pose, first lay down over the mat, and then lift your legs in the Upward Direction. Now lift your leg perpendicularly and balance your body with the help of your elbow and neck, stay at this position for at least 1 minute. During this asana, your elbow should be firmly pushed to the ground. Now release from this position. 2) HALASANA (PLOW POSE)- Halasana is also known as plow pose. This is a counterposed headstand pose. This pose strengthens and flexible our shoulder. By practicing this posture, your spine will be flexible. This posture is good for headaches and it's good for people, who are suffering from insomnia. Let's start plow pose, First, you lay down on the bedsheet. Now again took your leg in the inverted position. Support your hipline with your hand and place your elbow firmly on the mat. move your leg behind your head. Hold it for 2 minutes. During this asana, stretch your toes outward. Finally, move to the original position. 3) PASCHIMOTTANA ASANAS- Ayurveda says that 90% of our fitness depends upon our digestive system. If our digestive system is bad then our food does not break down and our body did not get sufficient nutrients. By practicing the different types of yoga poses, we generate Agni in our body which helps our body to digest the food. Paschimottanasana is one that helps in our digestion system. Let’s start the posture, now sit in a position where you can stretch your leg forward. Now press your heel on the mat and turn your toes toward your mouth. Now tight your belly and slowly grab your Foot toe with the help of your hand. When you breathe, look forward and exhale, and look down. Repeat this process at least 5 times. 4) CHAKRASANA (WHEEL POSE)- This is also called the wheel pose. When we practice this posture, This will strengthen and flexible our spinal cord. To do this, you lay down on the mat. Turn your knees up to 90 degrees. Now place your palm parallel to the shoulder. Press your feet and hand firmly on the ground and push your stomach upward. Now stay in that position for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, release this position. 5) PADHASTASANA- In padhastasana first, you stand on your feet then slowly move your hand upward. Tighten your torso and slowly move your hands in a downward direction. Try to grab your foot toe, when you grab the toe then Hold it for 1 minute. After that slowly leave your toe and move back to the original position. This Kinds of yoga asana is very good for our heart and for our brain. Because during practicing this asana, lots of blood circulates towards our brain, and your brain functions efficiently. 6) TRIKONASANA- Trikonasana, which is also known as a triangular pose is good for our health. in this posture, we will be standing in a triangular position. First, you stand up and then turn your right heel to 90 degrees and your left foot to 45 degrees. Align your feet in a straight line, Now stretch your arm outward. Slowly move downward from your hipline. move downward and grab your right foot. Your vision should be on your left-hand finger. Your left hand should be straight and at 90 degrees towards the sky. Stay in this position for 5 counts. 7) SHAVASANA- Lay down on your back, there must be little difference between your feet. Your hands are completely relaxed. Free your body as free as possible. Now mentally observe your body parts. We start with our legs, and we relax our legs. We relax our torso and now we relax our minds. Now enjoy this state of relaxation. Slowly move your fingertips and your foot toes. Move very slowly and get your legs together. Fold your legs and take a turn on the right-hand side, now you are in Shri Krishna mudra. CONCLUSION ON HOW MANY TYPES OF ASANAS ARE THERE IN YOGA- Friends, I hope you have found your answer to the question “ How Many Types of Asanas are there in Yoga" There are 84 kinds of yoga posture but I have discussed only the top 7 yoga asanas. I have tried to give you a list of all types of Yoga. Hope you liked today's article. QUESTION AND ANSWER RELATED TO TYPES OF ASANAS - Q1) WHAT ARE THE 3 TYPES OF ASANAS? Ans - These are Meditative Pose, Relaxation Pose, and Cultural Poses. Q2) HOW MANY ASANAS ARE THERE? Ans - According to Vedic culture, there are 84 Asanas in Yoga. Q3) WHO IS KNOWN AS THE FATHER OF YOGA? Ans- Lord Shiva is known as the father of Yoga Q4) WHAT ARE THE MAIN TYPES OF ASANAS? Ans - There are different types of asanas which are explained above. Q5) HOW MANY ASANAS ARE THERE IN SURYA NAMASKAR? Ans - In Surya Namaskar we perform actually perform 12 asanas. Q6) WHICH IS THE BEST POSE FOR WEIGHT LOSS? Ans - There are many poses like Malasana, Chakrasana, and Trikonasana, through which you can lose weight. Q7) NAME THE BEST POSE FOR FLEXIBILITY? Friends, by doing Trikonasana, Balasana, and Tadasana, the flexibility of the body increases.