World Congress on Cancer and Diagnostics 2023 - 5 minutes read

Cancer and diagnostics


Excited about the 23rd World Congress on Cancer and Diagnostics going to be held on August 23–24, 2023, in Toronto, Canada. Great opportunity for the scientist to become part of the Conference. Speakers and delegates are encouraged to be part of it and submit abstracts on the sessions Cancer, Types of Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Cancer immunology, Cancer Vaccines, Biomarkers, and many other related topics. The theme for the Conference is – Fighting Cancer is Our Goal. The purpose of the Diabetes and Endocrine complication 2023 is to create a platform for researchers and scholars to interact and share their views about Cancer and its Prevention. People around the world are fighting Cancer.

The main aim of the Conference is to make people aware of Cancer and help them to fight it. Cancer not only affects people's physical health but also their mental and emotional health. To learn in-depth information about Cancer and the sickness that affects people. Speakers will give oral presentations and show their work. A diverse group of people will attend this conference to exchange ideas and perspectives. A venue for presentations, oral lectures, poster presentations, and exhibitions are created by Cancer Research, Cancer Prevention, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, and Cancer Prevention. 

Speakers from Past Conference

  • Maude Hebert, University of Quebec in Trois-Rivieres Canada
  • Maria Bourazani Agios Savvas - Anticancer Hospital Greece
  • Marco Bernini Careggi University Hospital, Florence Italy
  • Antonio Carlos Wolff The Johns Hopkins University USA
  • Linda A. deGraffenried The University of Texas at Austin USA


  • Can organize a workshop/symposium at the event
  • Keynote and special session
  • Young research forum award
  • Best Poster Presentation Award
  • Exhibit your products
  • Can participate as a potential Sponsor
  • Collaborate with us to get brand recognition on our conference website and conference book


Cancer is a disease that spreads to many body areas and makes healthy body cells grow out of control. It can change healthy cells. The genetic modification of the DNA is what causes this disease. The immune system can be maintained and made to expand using some of the tumor cells. Malignant cancer cells are referred to as metastatic when they spread from one cell to another. There are numerous types of cancer, including Adrenocortical Cancer, Metastatic Cancer, Local & Malignant Cancer, and Solid and Hematological Tumor.

Malignant Tumor

Due to their ability to infiltrate nearby locations, these tumors are malignant. They can spread widely through the lymphatic or blood systems. The spread of a malignant cell is known as metastasis, and it can happen anywhere in the body, including the liver, brain, bone, and lungs. Because they grow uncontrollably and have the potential to spread quickly, malignant tumors are dangerous because they pose a threat to human life. Tumors are abnormal growth of tissue that can grow and divide, and their growth is unregulated, which is the only distinction between them and cancer.

Lung Cancer

The two primary subtypes of lung cancer are non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Smoking, passive smoking, exposure to certain chemicals, and family history are all risk factors for lung cancer. Symptoms include a cough (often with blood), chest pain, wheezing, and weight loss. These symptoms frequently don't appear until cancer has advanced. Only a few examples of potential therapies include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy, and immunotherapy.

The DNA alteration that takes place in the genes, a segment of the DNA, is the primary cause of this cancer. Genes that alter normal cell growth due to a DNA alteration are known as oncogenes.

Stem Cell Cancer

Cancer Stem cells (CSCs), a minuscule subset of tumor cells, have the capacity for self-renewal, differentiation, and tumorigenicity when transplanted into an animal host. Numerous cell surface markers, such as CD44, CD24, and CD133, are routinely used to identify and enrich CSCs.

Bone marrow or stem cell transplantation are effective ways to treat several diseases, including leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. They are treated with high-dose chemotherapy and sporadically with radiation. The terms intensive therapy, stem cell rescue, and bone marrow rescue may also be used to describe them. The study cohort's predicted survival rate at 20 years following transplantation was 80.4% (95% CI, 78.1% to 82.6%). After five years, survival was inversely correlated with age at transplantation.

Cancer Prevention

When it comes to cancer, prevention is always preferable to treatment. People can follow some of the advice, such as eating well and maintaining a healthy weight, abstaining from tobacco and alcohol, protecting their skin from UV radiation, taking medications or immunizations, and avoiding exposure to cancer-causing substances. The incidence of cancer and mortality can be managed and decreased through prevention. Common tumor burden is decreased by colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screening. Foods that prevent cancer include cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, and bok choy. These foods lower the chance of developing cancer when consumed.


The conference will witness the presence of speakers, researchers, and OCMs, from the world representing their work in the area of plant Pathology and Plant Diseases. The main aim of the conference is to update the attendees with the latest research done in the field of Plant Pathology. Researchers from the entire world will witness the conference.

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