Halasana (Plough Pose) Steps Benefits and Precautions - 5 minutes read

Friends, if you have constipation, then Halasana is a very useful pose for you. The plow pose comes within a medium yoga practice. This means if you practice yoga every day, then only you can perform this posture. Plow Pose comes inside Hatha Yoga. This is an advanced level posture due to which your body gets many benefits. This makes your spine flexible and strong. It is called an inverted pose because our body is in an inverted posture while performing it. Through today's article, we will try to understand Halasana in detail. Our main goal will be to learn Plough Pose very closely. Friends, if you are learning something, then you should also know about its pros and cons. Let us now read the Halasana Steps Benefits and Precautions . HALASANA STEPS AND BENEFITS- Let's be friends, now we try to understand the steps and benefits of the Plow pose. Before that, we get to know about a little Plough pose. Halasana comes inside hand yoga. It is one of the types of ancient yoga types. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit word Halasana. For this reason, it is called Halasana. In both Hindi and Sanskrit, it is called Halasana and in English, it is called plow pose. During this posture, our currency is inverted, which is also called an inverted asana. HALASANA PROCEDURE- 2) 3) 1) In the first step, you should lie down on the mat and Join your feet to each other. 2) In the second step, keep both your hands parallel to the waist on the ground. Your palms should be on the ground. 3) In the third step, while pressing the ground with your hand and pressing the abdomen muscles, raise your foot to an angle of 90. 4) Now raise your hips with the help of your hand and slowly move your feet behind the head. 5) Support your back with your hands and stick your feet behind the head. 6) Keep breathing and try to stay in this pose as long as possible. 7) Now leaving the breath, bring yourself back forward slowly and stay on the ground. 8) Leave your body static for some time and keep taking breaths continuously. 9) Must practice it at least once daily. FOLLOW UP POSES- 3) Duration varies from beginner to expert. For a beginner, you have to Practice for 15 seconds. For Intermediate you have to practice for 30 to 45 seconds and for experts you must practice for 1 minute. HALASANA VARIATIONS- 2) Plough pose with hand backward HALASANA BENEFITS- 1) The First benefit of this pose is the elimination of constipation. As you contract your abdominal muscles strengthen your intestines and your constipation problem is eliminated. 2) This poses flexible your spine and the strength of your backbone increases. 3) As we know that it is an inverted pose so blood flow toward your mind hence concentration and focus improve. For a student, it is an essential pose because it will help in boosting memory. 4) The person who has a stiff backbone needs to do a plow pose so that their stiffness removes. 5) This yoga posture also improves your Thyroid gland. 6) Plough poses to improve Metabolism. it helps to increase the rate of metabolism. The person has a slow metabolism, through the Halasana his metabolism rate improves. 7) Plow posture puts pressure on your lungs, which makes your lungs strong. 8) By doing Halasana, circulation of blood improves and all the problems related to the skin go away 9) This pose helps you to lose weight. 10) By doing this pose, there is the circulation of blood toward your face, which improves the glow of your face. HALASANA PRECAUTIONS- 1) While doing this asana, we have to bend our back comfortably, otherwise, the spine may get hurt. 2) When we take our feet behind the head, at that time we do not jerk our feet. 3) People who have cervical, back pain, hernia, high B.P, should not do this posture. 4) A person who has a slipped disc or has arthritis in the neck should not do this yoga. 5) Pregnant women should not practice this yoga. 6) You should be careful while doing this pose or else you may get hurt. FINAL WORDS ON HALASANA STEPS BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS- Friends, this yoga is great for those who have constipation and stomach problems. Its steps are so effective, if you do them daily then you will never have stomach-related problems. Friends, those of you who have pain in the spine or shoulder should also practice this yoga. You will get a lot of benefit from it. Through today's article, we have tried to learn Halasana Steps Benefits and Precautions. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RELATED TO HALASANA - Q1) WHEN SHOULD HALASANA BE AVOIDED? Ans - You should avoid Halasana when you have a problem with back pain or you have pain in your joints. Q2) CAN A FAT PERSON DO HALASANA? Ans - Yes a Fat Guy can do Halasana. But a lot of care will have to be taken to do it. Q3) HOW MUCH TIME WE SHOULD DO HALASANA? Ans - A Beginner Will do it for 30 seconds while an expert will go for 120 seconds. Q4) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO THIS POSE? Ans - No, pregnant women should not do this pose. Q5) IS THIS POSE MAKE OUR BODY FLEXIBLE? Ans - Yes, If You are consistent and regularly do this pose then you can make your body more flexible And Strong. -