Urdhva Hastasana Procedure Benefits and Contraindications - 5 minutes read

Hello friends, welcome to Natural Health Tips. Today I will give you information about Urdhva Hastasana Procedure Benefits and Contraindications . Friends, you must have heard about Tadasana, this asana is a variation of it. This Asana is considered beneficial for your body because your entire upper body opens up well inside it. This asana helps in calming both your mind and body. Children whose height is not being gained. By doing this asana, their height starts increasing. This pose is quite easy to practice. You must add this pose to your regular routine. You will start getting positive results in a few days. Now let me give you some information about today's post. Today we will focus more on the steps, benefits, and precautions of the Upward salute pose. I will try to give you all the best information about how to do this pose and what will be the benefits of doing it. Let us now try to get information about today's post-upward salute poses in detail. HISTORY OF URDHVA HASTASANA – Friends, Urdhva Hastasana is a standing pose. This is known as a variation of Tadasana. In this pose, our hands are in a salutation position toward the roof and our face is focused on our hands. This asana is made up of a combination of 2 words. When we combine these words the Upward Salute Pose is formed. This asana is known by different names in different languages. Hindi Meaning - Urdhva Hastasana Sanskrit Meaning - Urdhva Hastasana Now let us start today's article HOW TO DO UPWARD SALUTE POSE – 1) First of all you have to stand straight on the mat. 2) Now you have to join your ankle and stand on top of the claw. 3 ) Now you have to take a deep breath and raise your hands up. 4) You have to join both hands and make a namaskar position. 5) Now you have to turn your face towards your hand. 6) Your waist should be absolutely straight and the legs should be absolutely straight. 7) Now you have to stay in this position for about 30 seconds and slowly leave this pose. 8) Now you have to repeat this asana again. 9) You have to apply 2 to 3 sets of this asana. 10) Remember, while doing this asana, you have to continuously breathe in and out. FOLLOW UP POSES – Beginner - not more than 30 seconds Expert – not more than 120 seconds BEGINNER TIPS – This asana is very easy to practice, but if you have pain in the hip and spine, then this asana should not be done. Even if you have had any kind of operation, you should ignore it asana. VARIATIONS – 1) Easy Pose Twist Raised Arms 3) Palm Tree Pose On Tiptoes UPWARD SALUTE POSE BENEFITS – 1) Friends, this asana helps in increasing your height. 2) This asana helps in increasing the flexibility of your body. 4) This asana strengthens your back and strengthens hips. 5) By doing this asana, blood circulation is maintained in your body. 6) This asana helps in reducing your abdominal fat. 7) By doing this asana, the fat of your thigh and hips is reduced. 8) This asana eliminates your stomach problem from the root. 9) This asana improves your metabolism rate. 10) This asana reduces your stress, anxiety, and depression. URDHVA HASTASANA PRECAUTIONS – 1) If you have problems with the Cervical and slip discs, then this asana should not be done. 2) Even if you have piles or fissures, do not do this asana. 3) Even if you have pain in the knee, hip, and shoulder, then this asana should not be done. 4) The patient with high Bp should not do this asana 5) Pregnant women should not do this asana. QUESTION AND ANSWER RELATED TO URDHAVA HASTASANA - Q1) WHAT ARE THE CONTRAINDICATIONS OF URDHVA HASTASANA? Ans - If you have pain in your hand and shoulder, then this pose should be ignored. Q2) WHAT IS THE IDEAL DURATION OF URDHVA HASTASANA? Ans - You should do urdhva hastasana for at least 60 seconds. Q3) SHOULD CHILDREN DO URDHAVA HASTASANA? Ans - Yes, children can do Urdhva Hastasana but under the supervision of a Yoga Trainer. Q4) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO THIS POSE? Ans- No, pregnant women should not do this pose. Q5) BEST TIME TO DO THIS POSE? Ans - You can do this pose in the morning, this time is good for your health. FINAL WORDS ON URDHVA HASTASANA PROCEDURE BENEFITS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS – Friends, I hope you have liked today's post-Urdhva Hastasana Procedure Benefits and Contraindications very much. Today we have understood everything in detail about Upward Salute Pose. Understanding your query, I have tried to cover all the points in detail. You will get all the details inside today's post and you will not need to read any other post. Hope you found today's post full of knowledge.