Ashtanga Namaskar Steps Benefits and Precautions - 5 minutes read

Hello friends, you are welcome to Natural Health Tips, today we will learn Ashtanga Namaskar Steps Benefits, and Precautions. Friends, Ashtanga Yoga has various names like caterpillar pose, Eight Limbed pose, and Chest, Knee, and Chin Pose. This asana is also known as the Eight Point of Contact Pose. because in this pose 8 points of our body are in contact with the floor. It is also used in the modern Surya Namaskar pose. This asana is beneficial for all parts of your body. Such as - the knee, back, spine, neck, face, hand, and shoulder. This asana properly trains all parts of your body, making your joints flexible and strong. To make the body flexible and strong, the best asana is ashtanga. This posture helps a lot in changing your mindset as well. This creates Positive Energy in you and reduces the elements of stress, and anxiety. Therefore, it is also known as All in One Pose. Let us now try to read the Ashtanga Namaskar Steps Benefits and Precautions in detail. ASHTANGA NAMASKAR POSE MEANING – Ashtanga Namaskar pose is also known by different names. 2) Eight-Limbed Pose 3) Chest Chin and Knee Pose 4) Eight Point of Contact Pose This asana comes in the Yoga of Advance Level and before you do it, you need to know basic yoga. Ashtanga Yoga is also known as Eight Limbed poses in English. This asana is made up of a combination of 2 words. When we add them, Eight Limbed Pose is formed. Different Meaning - Sanskrit meaning - ashtanga namaskar Let us now understand the method of Asana. HOW TO DO EIGHT LIMBED POSE – 2) STEPS – 1) First of all you have to lie on your stomach above the ground. 2) You have to lie on the ground for at least 30 seconds and inhale and exhale Breath. 3) Now you have to fold your legs and come above the knee, your hips should be above and your chest contact on the ground. 4) In this case, touch your knee and chest floor. 5) Now you have to parallel fold your hand. Your palm should press the ground. 6) You have to touch your chin on the floor. 7) Final position should touch on the Knee, chest, chin, and Palm floor. 8) Your face should be forward and your eyes should be straight. 9) You have to inhale and exhale properly. 10) You have to leave the pose after spending some time. FOLLOW UP POSES – 1) Friends, Ashtanga is an advanced-level yoga, so while doing this you must definitely warm up. You should strengthen your Hips, Back, Shoulder, and Neck, so that you do not get any injury while doing this yoga. VARIATIONS – 1) Legged Four-Limbed Staff Pose 2) One Legged Four-Limbed Staff Pose Variation 3) Wide-Legged Four-Limbed Staff Pose EIGHT-LIMBED POSE BENEFITS- 1) This asana makes your knees, shoulders, elbows, waist, and neck strong. 2) This pose helps to increase blood circulation in your body. 3) This posture removes all the problems related to your skin. 4) This posture helps in reducing depression and anxiety. 6) This posture helps in improving your metabolism rate. 7) This posture helps to remove extra fat from your body. 8) This pose cures all the diseases related to your stomach. 9) This posture helps in strengthening your internal organ. 10) This posture helps in improving the structure of your body ASHTANGA ASANA PRECAUTIONS – 1) It should be taken extra precautions while posing, otherwise, you may get hurt. 2) A patient suffering from a headache should not do this asana. 3) This should not be done asana even if there is knee and shoulder pain. 4) It should not be postured even if there are complaints of slipped disc and hernia. 5) Pregnant women should not do this posture. QUESTION AND ANSWER RELATED TO ASHTANG NAMASKAR - Q1) WHAT IS THE BREATHING TECHNIQUE OF ASHTANGA NAMASKAR? Ans- When you are performing this pose, then you have to keep taking breaths continuously. Q2 ) WHAT ARE THE EIGHT PARTS INVOLVED IN ASHTANGA NAMASKAR? Ans- Two feet, two knees, the two hands, chest, and chin, these parts are involved in yoga. Q3) WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ASHTANGA NAMASKAR? Ans- By doing Ashtanga Namaskar, your body's flexibility increases. Q4) SHOULD PREGNANT WOMEN DO THIS POSE? Ans- No, pregnant women should not do this pose. Q5) WHAT IS THE IDEAL DURATION OF THE ASHTANGA NAMASKAR POSE? Ans - The ideal duration of this pose is 30 to 40 seconds. Q6) WHY IT IS CALLED ASHTANGA NAMASKARA? Ans - Because 8 parts of our body are used in this pose, that is why it is known as Ashtanga asana. Q7) WHAT IS MEANT BY ASHTANGA NAMASKAR? Ans - Ashtanga Namaskar asana means a salutation with eight limbs. FINAL WORDS ON ASHTANGA NAMASKAR STEPS BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS- Friends, hope you liked today's post- Ashtanga Namaskar Steps Benefits and Precautions . This asana makes your joints strong and flexible. This asana improves your body shape. If you are troubled by the extra belly, and lower body fat then this asana is best for your body because it will definitely reduce your weight. Hope you find today's post informative.