Gene Therapy Advances: Personalized Cancer Treatments - 3 minutes read

Gene therapy is a technique that modifies genes to treat or cure disease. In cancer treatment, gene therapy seeks to introduce new genes into patients' cells to replace missing or defective tumor suppressor genes, augment the immune system's ability to attack cancer cells, or enable destruction of cancer cells in other ways. A growing area of research examines personalized gene therapy treatments for cancer approaches tailored specifically for individual patients based on the unique genetics of their tumor.

Personalized Therapy Targets Specific Mutations

One approach to gene therapy analyzes a patient's tumor DNA sequence to identify genetic mutations driving cancer growth. Therapists can then develop treatments targeting exactly those mutations. For example, if a mutation causes overproduction of a growth factor promoting tumor development, gene therapy may introduce a "suicide gene" only active in cells expressing high levels of that growth factor. When the growth factor is produced, the suicide gene is switched on to kill those cancer cells precisely. Personalizing therapy in this way aims mutations fueling each person's unique cancer.

Immunotherapy Gene Therapies Awaken the Body's Defenses

Another type of personalized gene therapy treatments for cancer enhances the immune system's natural ability to fight cancer. Certain gene therapies artificially express antigens–molecular targets on tumor cells that the immune system can recognize as foreign. Modified T-cells or dendritic cells are given genes coding for these antigens, teaching immune cells to identify and destroy cancer expressing those antigens. Therapies may target antigens highly specific to an individual's tumor genetics. In clinical trials, immunotherapies have safely and effectively eradicated some advanced cancers previously unresponsive to other treatments.

Viral Vectors Deliver Genes Specifically to Cancer Cells

Gene therapies require methods to efficiently deliver new genes into target cells. Adenoviruses, lentiviruses, and other viruses called viral vectors are commonly employed. Genetic material is removed from these viruses and replaced with the therapeutic gene. The resulting viral vectors maintain the ability to enter cells and insert DNA payloads, but cannot replicate or cause disease. Vectors may be engineered for cancer cell-specific delivery by linking therapeutic genes to promoter sequences only active in tumor environments. This personalized approach aims to restrict new gene expression precisely to cancer tissues, avoiding side effects in healthy cells.

Personalizing for Maximal Effect and Safety

While promising, gene therapy is still a developing field. Personalizing treatments based on individual tumor genetics may improve outcomes and safety. Only mutations driving a given patient's cancer are targeted, avoiding effects on unrelated cells. Immunotherapies target antigens unique to each person's tumor, helping the body distinguish foreign from self. And cell-specific viral vectors aim to confine new gene expression only to cancer sites.


In Summary, personalization opens possibilities to finely tune therapies for maximal impact against each patient's cancer with minimal off-target effects. As gene therapy techniques and our understanding advance, personalized approaches hold potential to significantly improve long-term management and possible cures for many cancer patients.