3 Important Tips For Making Weight Losing Easier - 3 minutes read

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In the United States the cost of health insurance continues to climb and the amount of time we wait to see a doctor is getting longer. Much of this is due to obesity which has almost become an epidemic in the United States. Our sedentary lifestyles, enjoyment of snacks and fast food are a major cause but not the only cause. In some areas we find more fast food restaurants than we do gas stations.

It is a well-understood fact that high fat foods make it easy for us to gain weight. You certainly don't need me to preach to you about that. Unfortunately the weight goes on to our bodies a lot easier than it comes off.

We constantly hear skinny people that have never gained a pound in their life telling us that the solution to weight loss is very simple. You need to take in fewer calories than you burn up. The fact is that counting calories is a pain in the butt. Many diet plans want us to drag out the scales and weigh everything that goes into our mouth. Other diet plans are so restrictive that you might as well not eat anyway. And purchasing the meals on some weight losing diet plans has become so expensive that you can hardly afford to lose weight.

Weight losing needs to be made easier and in fact in can be. Let me give you three simple suggestions that will make losing weight easy for many of you.

Instead of eating 2 or 3 large meals each day eat 5 or 6 smaller meals. Eating several small meals helps to keep you from snacking on the wrong foods and has been proven to increase your metabolism which will help you burn more calories during the day.

Drink your eight 12 ounce glasses of water each day without failure. Your water intake can include such beverages as decaffeinated tea or coffee and Crystal Light. To make sure you are drinking your water a good habit is to use bottled water or fill a container or bottles with your beverages. Make your family understand that these containers are just for your use. If your family wants containers of water too, you can either make them available for them or tell them to fill their own. Depending on the size of the container you will know how much water you have drank and how much more you need to drink that day.

Do not drink any beverage with your meals. Stop drinking a half hour before your meal and wait until you are finished with your meal. You don't want the water to fill you up prior to eating for you will be tempted to snack later.

If you have a lot of weight to lose I would additionally suggest that you find a good weight loss diet plan. Not a diet that's only promotion is a claim that it gives fast weight loss. Plans billed as fast weight loss are usually more difficult to stay on in the long term and with many you are only losing water weight and muscle. For successful weight loss and successful weight maintenance you need a plan that will offer you support and teach you more about yourself and the foods you can and cannot eat.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1980101