Pro Shavasana procedure benefits and contraindications - 5 minutes read

SHAVASANA PROCEDURE BENEFITS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS- Friends, do you also feel tired every day. You make up your mind to do any work, but you do not complete it. You make a resolution every day, I will do this work today but due to lack of energy and laziness, you do not do the work. If this is the case, the posture that I will tell you about today will develop energy in you. Now, let's talk about that posture. Friends, today we will go into detail about Savasana. In today's article, we will try to research what is Savasana and Shavasana procedure benefits and contraindications. WHAT IS SHAVASANA?- This pose arises from the Sanskrit yoga words that’s why it is pronounced as Shavasana. In this pose, we lie down on the ground and try to meditate. HOW TO DO SHAVASANA YOGA- Preparatory pose- This Yoga is very easy to practice, but as we always say, it is mandatory to do some preparatory poses to avoid injury. You can do Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, and ordinary meditation. Savasana steps- 1) First, you spread a mat on the ground and sit on it in the position of Bhujangasana. 2) Now spread your leg forward and lay down on the mat. 3) Lose your hand and legs completely 4) Close your eyes and try to meditate 5) Slowly you will deepen in the meditation, now your body and hand completely lose sense. 6) There is no expression on your face. You are in deep meditation. 7) For variation, you will turn and spread your hands and legs like you have no worries. 8) Stay here for as long as possible 9) This is the last position of Savasana 10) Finally, leave the position and come back to Bhujangasana. Follow up poses- 1) 2) 3) SAVASANA BEGINNERS TIPS- This is a very easy pose, so you don't feel any difficulty doing it. The only thing I suppose, you feel the difficulty in meditation. For a beginner, it is impossible to meditate but constant practice leads to a perfect meditator. So keep practicing meditation and you will get expertise in it. SHAVASANA VARIATIONS- 1) - In simple but effective yoga, you will lay down on the mat but this time your hands are out. Your hands are out to the shoulder. 2) SAVASANA VARIATION BENT LEGS- In this posture, your hands are stuck with the torso and you bend your legs from the knee. 3) SAVASANA BACK BEND WITH BOLSTER BENT LEGS- In this pose, your legs are bent from the knee and you place a cushion under your back to support. SHAVASANA BENEFITS- 1) This pose is great for those who want to learn meditation. If you want to learn meditation and you have back pain, you can learn meditation with the help of Savasana. 2) Secondly, its best advantage is positive energy. We all know that if we practice meditation then positive energy is created. In the savasana, we practice meditation. 3) The third main benefit is freedom from mental illnesses. It helps in reducing depression, anxiety, and stress. In this pose, we practice only to reduce mental stress. 4) This pose also helps in removing old age from our faces. In this pose, our mind becomes calm, which removes all our worries. 5) Heart disease, back pain, and cervical patients can also do this yoga. 6) This pose gives you physical calmness as well as mental calmness. 7) This posture maintains blood circulation in your body. 8) Posture improves your metabolism rate, which leads to weight loss. 9) This pose helps to relax your body. 10) By doing this Asana, there is no stress, anxiety, or depression. SAVASANA PRECAUTIONS- 1) If you have a critical mental illness, you can do this by taking help from a yoga instructor. 2) You should not practice this yoga if you also have a disease like headaches and insomnia. 3) If you have hip problems or spine issues, you can do yoga poses lying on your stomach. 4) Pregnant women can do this pose but it is important to seek the guidance of a yoga instructor. 5) You can practice this pose for a long time, but do it according to the limits of your body and mind. WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED FROM SHAVASANA PROCEDURE BENEFITS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS- Friends, this pose is very easy if you are thinking of starting yoga or meditation, then my advice to you is to start with Shavasana. This pose is very good for mental ability and if you feel a lack of energy, then this pose is mandatory for you. Today we have known Shavasana procedure benefits and contraindications . QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS RELATED TO SHAVASANA - Q1)- HOW LONG SHOULD YOU STAY IN SAVASANA? Ans - It depends upon your willpower, and how much time you in this stay asana. Q2)- DOES SAVASANA COUNT AS MEDITATION? Ans - According to me yes, because this is the pose of coolness and calmness. Q3) - CAN YOGA HELP YOU LOSE BELLY FAT? Ans - By doing yoga every day will help you to lose your belly fat. Q4) SHOULD CHILDREN DO THIS POSE? Ans- Yes, children old and young all can do this pose. Q5) WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF DOING SHAVASANA? Ans - By doing Shavasana, our mental stress is reduced and our mental ability improves. Q6) SHOULD WE DO SAVASANA EVERY DAY? Ans - Yes, This yoga is Perfect and Easy to perform so you can do this every day. Q7) WHAT IS SAVASANA USED FOR? Ans - Physical stress comes into your body when you exercise. Savasana reduces the stress of your body.