** Understanding Golden Farm: A Simulation-Based Online Earning Platform** - 2 minutes read

** Understanding Golden Farm: A Simulation-Based Online Earning Platform**

Golden Farm is an online platform that allows users to earn money through virtual bird farming. Functioning as a game, the objective is to purchase birds, wait for them to lay eggs, collect the eggs, and then convert them into gold ingots, which can be further converted into real money. Today, we'll address some common questions about this platform:

**How does Golden Farm work?**

To get started, simply register on the site through the provided link. Upon registration, you'll receive a bonus of 300 coins. These coins are not for withdrawal but can be used to purchase your first bird. Each bird has a unique price and egg production rate. For instance, the first bird costs 28 coins and produces one egg per hour. The system operates on the principle that every 100 eggs equal one gold ingot.

**Sections of Golden Farm:**

Upon logging in, you'll find sections such as account information, purchase balance (coins), withdrawal balance (gold ingots), and bird purchasing. You can modify your account details in the settings. Depositing funds into the site is possible to increase your earnings.

**How to withdraw from Golden Farm:**

Withdrawals can be made once you reach the minimum threshold of 100 gold ingots, equivalent to one ruble. The withdrawal process involves using the payment system “Payeer” by entering your wallet number and email. You can specify the withdrawal amount and currency (USD, rubles, or euros).

**Is Golden Farm Legitimate or a Scam?**

Golden Farm has been operating since 2013 and is considered a legitimate platform that has consistently made payments since its establishment.

**How to register on Golden Farm:**

To register on the site, follow the link provided