9 Signs You May Need to Visit a Car Accident Chiropractor Post-Crash - 4 minutes read

Car accidents can lead to several types of injuries and complications including fractures, broken bones, traumatic brain injury, whiplash, and bruises. While some of the injuries may not affect you immediately but can cause severe pain after some days, weeks, or months.

Timely visits to a car accident chiropractor can help diagnose and treat even hidden injuries, reduce unwanted inflammation, and restore mobility.

A professional car accident chiropractor can help you get diagnoses, and design a customized treatment plan according to your injuries and needs. Your chiropractor uses several types of chiropractic treatment to offer you speedy recovery without medication or any invasive surgery. 

These treatments may include whiplash treatment, electric stimulation, spinal manipulation, and other treatments.

Post-car crash accident you might be suffering from any hidden illnesses. You might need to consult your chiropractor. Therefore, let’s discuss the early signs that indicate when there is a need to visit a chiropractor.

  • Pain:

If you have met with a car crash accident or collision and experiencing acute pain in your back, neck, and joints. This pain can cause whiplash, herniated discs, sprains, strains, etc. If you don't feel hurt, still seeking advice from a car accident chiropractor is essential.

Chiropractic care can help you identify the main cause of your pain and discomfort. Even if you have no signs of pain, the chiropractor will conduct a medical evaluation to diagnose and treat your problem.

  • Numbness:

Due to damaged nerves and misaligned spinal discs, you may feel numbness and tingling sensations in different body parts. After your car accident, if you’re suffering from such sensations then you should seek consultation from a professional car accident chiropractor.

  • Stiffness:

Some people may not feel much pain or have only minor pain from their car accident but will observe stiffness in several parts of the body. Generally, stiffness from auto accidents occurs in the upper body parts such as the head, neck, arms, shoulders, and upper back.

Hardness in such parts of your body indicates that several issues may lead to pain or additional discomfort. However, an auto accident chiropractor can help restore or cure your muscles and treat them well.

  • Sleeping Disorder:

Physical injuries have a psychological impact on your body. it can cause sleep disturbance or insomnia. A chiropractor can assist you in easing out the muscle pain and tension, enhancing blood flow, relieving discomfort, and relaxing your entire body which eventually leads to improved sleep quality after an accident.

  • Inflammation:

When your body experiences any traumatic car accident, it may respond by protecting it from further injuries leading to inflammation. Inflammation helps stretch or macro tears of ligaments and muscles.

Visiting the best family chiropractor in San Jose can help identify the cause and customize the treatment method that may lead to mitigating inflammation.

  • Neck Pain:

Neck pain affects the quality of life. Joint stiffness and a reduced range of movement can make every day difficult such as driving a car, etc. Do you know, if your neck muscles don’t work properly then they can damage the disc and vertebrae in the cervical spine?

Sometimes neck pain can indicate serious problems that can be even life-threatening. A chiropractor can help you cure any issue with early diagnosis and the right treatment.

  • Headaches:

To help patients receive the appropriate care following a traffic accident, the best family chiropractor in San Jose can pinpoint the exact reason or causes of head pain. Indications of misalignment of the neck include headaches and pain referred to the shoulders and neck.

  • Vision Problems:

Many individuals who have sustained traumatic brain injuries (TBI) may have experienced constant headaches and visionary problems. Therefore, seeking the advice of a chiropractor can help you treat your problem. The main cause of such issues can be treated after the right diagnosis by the chiropractor.

  • Auditory Issues:

Getting hit in the head can cause several problems, from concussion to hearing loss. Many patients experience ringing in the ears or tinnitus. Therefore, treating such problems can help improve your sleep and reduce the occurrence of such issues.


Patients who are experiencing neck pain, back pain, concussions, whiplash injuries, and other injuries can be treated with chiropractic care. Therefore, it is essential to choose the best family chiropractor in San Jose like backtobackchiro to get quality treatment and heal your injuries as soon as possible.