Ask The Experts: Shahin Akhlaghpasand, No. 294 Austin Table Tennis Club - 2 minutes read

Ask The Experts: Shahin Akhlaghpasand, No. 294

Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer


I am a 63 y.o attacking player (1600 USATT) with a wide range of strokes – loop, drive, smash, flick and push. I am very mobile for my age and steadily improving. I have found my current set-up of the Timo Boll Allround and Tenergy 80 fx (1.9) and 64 Fx (1.9) to be a bit slow and am thinking about upgrading to the Timo Boll ZLF with Tenergy 80 on the FH and Tenergy 64 on the BH, both 2.1. My concerns are the increased speed and weight (I would not want a set-up exceeding 174 gms); also, would the fx versions fit with the Bol ZLF. I really look forward to your kind assistance.

Thank you, Alvarez



Your Ask the Experts question was answered by Shahin Akhlaghpasand. Coach Akhlaghpasand is a Coach at the Austin Table Tennis Club and his response is as follows:

Hi Alvarez,
In my opinion, changing the blade and rubber at the same time takes longer to adapt.
The combination you selected is a good mix but I can also recommend the Viscaria blade with the same old rubber.