How to Build Muscle? - 3 minutes read

How to Build Muscle? An Expert Guide with 11 Quickfire Hacks: Stop Guesswork in Health.

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Before presenting the 11 Quickfire Hacks in a Nutshell to describe -How to Be a Muscle Man?  I must say if you are not satisfied with these little simple hacks and If you wish to understand the following in detail, you may explore the sources of the 11 following tips . Let's get started.

How to Build Muscle? : 11 Quickfire Hacks-

1.Progressive over load

Unlock the door to strength by adopting “progressive over load” training. Start bench press by lifting minimum 100 lbs in three sets of ten reps within a week. As you get better, you may start lifting 105 lbs and remember to keep those 8-12 reps going strong.

2.Full body workouts

Introduce “full body workouts” into your routine. Squats are the stars - three sets, 8-12 reps - activating multiple muscle groups. Make sure there's a good 48–72 hours of recovery before your next leg-focused session.

3. Cardio

Cardio becomes your heart's best friend. Explore the thrill with running, swimming and cycling etc, elevating your heart health while waving goodbye to fat and welcoming muscle. But do not include excessive cardio in your workout routine, as it may slow your muscle gain. 

4. Nutrition


Nutrition plays a vital role in muscle building; let's discuss nutrition essentials.


Protein, the linchpin in muscle building, provides the essential amino acids that serve as the building blocks for muscle tissue. The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) to prevent deficiency in minimally active adults is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, if you're engaged in intense workouts or have a physically demanding job, you may need more—perhaps as much as double. For endurance or strength athletes, it's recommended to take 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.



Fats, the unsung heroes in the world of muscle building, play a pivotal role in hormone production, including testosterone, which is a key player in muscle growth. As a general rule of thumb, about 20–30% of your daily caloric intake should be sourced from fats. This translates to approximately 0.5–1 grams of fat per pound of body weight per day.



Carbohydrates, the body's primary energy source, are like the fuel that powers your workouts and assists in recovery and muscle growth. A common recommendation is to consume 8 to 10 grams of carbs per kilogram of lean body weight daily. It's beneficial to fuel up with a carb-rich meal at least one hour before resistance training, immediately after a workout, and again two to three hours post-workout.


In terms of macro nutrient ratios for muscle gain, a commonly recommended starting point is 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fats. However, these ratios can vary based on individual factors such as age, gender, body composition, and activity level. Always remember to adjust based on your body's response and consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalised advice. Remember, nutrition is not one-size-fits-all. It's a personalised journey, just like your fitness journey.  

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