Ensure Child Resistance in Your Flexible Child-Resistant Barrier Bags at Premium Vials - 4 minutes read


Premium Vials sell wholesale barrier bags with unique prints and sizes and child-resistant bags. They can also manufacture disposable child-resistant bags for you, offering significant lifetime savings on child-resistant bags.


The child-resistant barrier bags at Premium Vials are odor-resistant and opaque, so their contents don't appear as required by many state laws. Regardless of your industry or product, Premium Vials have the proper child-protective packaging for you.


If your product is potentially hazardous to children, you must ensure that your packaging is child-resistant and designed with safety in mind. CR packaging is not just a complement to packaging; Used as a poison prevention method to prevent children from ingesting dangerous objects.


Child-resistant packaging is available in various zip-lock formats, from pressure bags to zip-open exit bags to stand-up zip-lock bags. All styles require dexterity for wholesale barrier bags with both hands to unpack. Adults have no problem opening and accessing content, but it is very difficult for children.


Child Resistant (CR) packaging is designed to reduce the risk that children will successfully open the package and swallow a potentially hazardous or hazardous product.


Premium Vials offer child-resistant zippers and child-resistant barrier bags for safety and convenience. Properly certified child-resistant enclosures, used in various markets, are the safest and most practical way to ensure flexible resealable packaging meets the requirements for special packaging set out in the U.S. Packaging, Toxins Prevention Act (PPPA).


Whether you're looking for a stand-up or a flat pouch, the digitally printed ePac flexible packaging wholesale barrier bags can be prepared for child protection by using a child-resistant film and adding a certified child-resistant zip.


Premium Vials offer child safety bags in various colors and sizes, with accessories such as inserts for vape cartridges and others. With a patented zip closure, thick food-grade plastic, and a highly durable flexible construction, these child-resistant barrier bag packaging pouches provide parents, drugstore owners, and law enforcement officers peace of mind by protecting many dangerous and toxic items that won't fit in a bottle.


"Your flexible packaging design must also meet the requirements and undergo research and testing. At Premium Vials, we look forward to helping you with any questions about our child-resistant closure options for flexible packaging." said the CEO of Premium Vials.


As the market and regulatory demands increase, pharmaceutical packaging with wholesale barrier bags continues to evolve - with new technologies and innovations emerging daily. Pharmaceutical packaging companies must monitor certification and keep abreast of technology and tracking and tracing methods while also paying attention to shelf life, contamination control, and child-resistant packaging. Premium Vials offer child-resistant bags that have been tested and certified by third-party agents to meet U.S. requirements. Federal Code to meet state testing requirements.


Child safety child-resistant barrier bags are necessary for hours during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. It has become necessary for essential medicines and household chemicals. Companies in the child-resistant packaging market are taking advantage of this opportunity to prevent children's accidental poisoning at home by virtually closing and rotating daycare facilities. Brands are aware of this problem and are stepping up their efforts to include child-resistant wholesale barrier bag packaging at product launches and improve existing products similarly. Children-resistant packaging companies are increasing their testing capabilities to ensure product launch compliance.


Since Premium Vials is a 100% trustworthy company that does everything themselves, they can respond very quickly, and when a manufacturer requests additional bags, they can start production immediately.


Here are some of the configurations Premium Vials suggest for single-size child-resistant wholesale barrier bags packaging:


CR disposable rolls


Rolling stock is the cheapest but requires loading equipment and professional experience. Rollstock is recommended for high volume, low margin products.


Bags with two and three seals


The design and shape of the three seal pouches allow the perception of suitable wholesale barrier bag packaging styles with the strength and durability required for large product volumes. It is medium cost and enables a pegboard to be displayed.


Zipper Pocket


They are indispensable for every product. Product packaging that customers can easily reseal helps keep your products fresh. Adding a resealable zipper allows your customers to practice portion control or enjoy their breakfast on the go with child-resistant barrier bags. This is for higher-margin products.


For more information, contact Premium Vials today!