Sunday Funday Agrees With Rebecca Sugar and Estelle That You Deserve to Shine - 4 minutes read

Sunday Funday Agrees With Rebecca Sugar and Estelle That You Deserve to Shine

Hi biscuits! The play I wrote just ended and I haven’t been asleep since Friday night! Here we are! It’s Sunday morning and I started the day off in the pool with my friends while the sun rose and rain quietly came from the sky. Dreams do come true! It was magical!

+ Rebecca Sugar and Estelle teamed up at Cannes to remind you that you deserve to shine.

+ Some staff from REI visited A-Camp and had a blast

That same morning I had hiked to the crest of one of the hills overlooking the valley the camp was nestled into, and posed for a picture beneath the blue-and-white sky with a woman who had spent $800 in braces, countless doctor visits and a year of her life training to prepare for that very moment. When she returned to her wheelchair at the base of the climb, she told me her next goal was to backpack along the Appalachian Trail. Sign me up for that too.

+ Tiffany Cabán is running for district attorney in Queens

“I always say there’s a reason why as a queer Latina from a low-income community that I became a public defender, and not a prosecutor,” she tells The Advocate. “It’s because I didn’t see that as an office I could work in that would be helping my community rather than harming it.”

+ How to be a good LGBTQ ally (send this to your terrible straight friends who keep misgendering you, even after you tell them so nicely what your pronouns are).

+ Princes Nokia talks candidly “about creating feminist spaces at her performances, how queer culture inspired her from a young age and why she chose to work with Platoon after turning down multiple labels when her first single went viral.”

+ The LGBT Community in DC held a vigil against anti-trans violence

+ Juneteenth and Pride are in the same month! Fun!

+ Stories of American families that aren’t just one man, one woman.

+ Five folks from Richmond, VA talk about what being nonbinary means to them 

+ AV Club’s queerest rock of the year, thus far.

For a third year, dapperQ is partnering with Target to produce a young adult (18-21 years of age) fashion show as part of NYC Pride’s 2019 World Pride Youth Pride event. The show will feature 10 diverse LGBTQ youth who will each be provided $100 Target gift cards to style a look that affirms their identities and empowers them as the future leaders of our communities. Youth will shop at Target Harlem with the production team, who will support the youth in completing their full Target look. “Now more than ever, it is imperative that we provide safe spaces and visibility for LGBTQ youth,” states Anita Dolce Vita, the show’s Executive Producer. “Our community needs to rally around our youth to deliver positive messages of love, pride, and acceptance in a climate that is increasingly hostile towards them.”


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Menace BeachRebecca SugarEstelle (musician)Rebecca SugarEstelle (musician)Beneath the BlueHonda S800WheelchairAppalachian TrailTrail blazingDistrict attorneyQueensQueer theoryHispanic and Latino AmericansPublic defenderThe AdvocateLGBTHeterosexualityNokiaFeminismSexuality and gender identity-based culturesViral videoLGBT communityTransgenderViolence against LGBT peopleJuneteenthGay prideOne Man, One WomanGenderqueerThe A.V. ClubHeritage of PrideWorldPrideYouth pridePride paradeLGBTHarlemLGBTLove & Pride