5/28/24: 2nd Annual Co-op Job Fair Bay Area by NoBAWC (Oakland) - FREE - 2 minutes read

Submitted by the Event Organizer

watch our video here.

RSVP as a job seeker or as an employer — or a community group that wants to table — at nobawc.org/fair. You don’t need an RSVP or an eventbrite ticket to enter — this event is free to the public for all parties!

that’s right — who wants to work for a co-op? & to our co-ops out there: who’s hiring??

your co-op peers are building off our biggest event ever with more MUSIC, NETWORKING, PRESENTATIONS, and MORE. your coop network has been visiting co-ops all over & we keep hearing one thing: co-ops need workers!! so we’re jumping in to support the best — and funnest — way we know how: ANOTHER FREE JOB FAIR!

so spread the call far and wide — we’re looking for democratic employers…and the job seekers who want to be a part of a broad-based movement for worker power and democratic ownership…aka the co-op leaders of the future!

and by the way…even if your co-op ISN’T actively hiring…you should still come out and table to meet the ~eligible candidates~ for when you WILL need people…because we all know you will 😉

RSVP as a job seeker or as an employer — or a community group that wants to table — at nobawc.org/fair

WHAT: A job fair centering worker-owned businesses, nonprofits, & collectives. RSVP atnobawc.org/fair
WHERE: Humanist Hall; 390 27th St, Oakland, CA 94612
WHEN: Tues, May 28th from 5pm-8pmCOST: FREE for tablers & job seekers & general attendees 🙂

WHO’s ORGANIZING?: NoBAWC: The Network of Bay Area Worker Co-ops, your local worker co-op network, of course 😉


WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Wheelchair accessible!

MASKING: Indoor and outdoor spaces, though mostly indoor; indoor will not require masks, but we’re asking attendees to mask up and will provide free KN-95s at the door.

SCENTS: No scent stipulations, though we’re asking attendees to refrain from wearing powerful scents.

Disclaimer: Please double check event information with the event organizer as events can be canceled, details can change after they are added to our calendar, and errors do occur.

Cost: FREE*

*Please RSVP at http://nobawc.org/fair

Categories: **Annual Event**, Charity & Volunteering, Fairs & Festivals, In Person, Other, Political Activism, Protests / Causes

Address: 390 27th Street, Oakland, CA 94612

Source: Funcheap.com

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