Meet Lifehacker's New Travel Writer - 2 minutes read

Photo : Imani Bashir

Hey Lifehacker peeps! I am Lifehacker’s newest staff writer, and I’ll be covering travel. I can’t wait to bring you tips that I can guarantee are usable because, well, I’ve used them.

Having lived in four countries (Egypt, Poland, China, and the U.S.), and four states (Maryland, Georgia, New Jersey, and Delaware), I have built a pretty decent résumé in the travel space. I took a liking to seeing places outside of where I lived while working as a sports broadcaster, and I traveled across the country for nearly a half a decade before randomly deciding to buy a one-way ticket to Cairo, Egypt in 2015. I’m a Sagittarius, so my life is all about jumping out of windows and building my parachute on the way down.


I live the travel life and here’s how you know:

I met my husband in Egypt in 2016.

I gave birth to my son in Poland.

My favorite book is The Alchemist

I have no idea how many countries I’ve been to—I just never thought to count.

I try McDonald’s fries and Starbucks’ Caramel Frappuccino everywhere I go. (The jury is in: The fries are exactly the same and there’s no better frap to be found than in Paris).


Up until a few weeks ago, my husband, my three-year-old son, and I were living in Wuhan, China; we left to go on vacation for Chinese New Year a week before the city was shut down. As expats, we were displaced for over a month in Malaysia and had to leave our belongings and friends behind. Unfortunately, our story of displacement is still ongoing—we’re currently in London. This is a real-life experience I am navigating minute by minute, and I am truly thankful to have joined the Lifehacker team during this strange time.

Leave your comments and travel questions in the comments below! Feel free to email me at, or say “hey” via Twitter and/or Instagram. It doesn’t matter the time zone because I’ll be in one or another.


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