Airlines Are Offering Travel Waivers For Some Flights Due to Winter Storm Ezekiel - 2 minutes read

Airlines Are Offering Travel Waivers For Some Flights Due to Winter Storm Ezekiel

If you’re planning on traveling home from your Thanksgiving festivities this weekend, you might run into trouble if those travel plans have you coming or going from the Northeast. Winter storm Ezekiel is expected to cause some serious issues starting tomorrow, so much so that a number of airlines have already issued waivers for travelers flying on routes that might be impacted. Specifically, those with flights happening on December 1-2.

A waiver allows you to change your flight without paying a change fee. You’ll still be responsible for any change in the cost of the fare in most cases, but you’ll save yourself the nightmare of going to the airport only to have your flight delayed and then potentially canceled.

As you might imagine, there are a few rules for this to work. Almost every airline requires you to have purchased your ticket by November 29th (yesterday). Waivers are currently only being issued for flights that are scheduled between November 29-December 5, and in most cases, you’ll need to be traveling to and from the same places on your rebooked flight as well. Some airlines are also allowing travelers to delay their trip, provided they plan to take the same journey.

The waiver deal works if you’re traveling to, from, or through any of the impacted locations. That list of airports is growing by the minute, but here’s a rundown of some of the major ones currently included:

Here are links to the waivers for specific airlines if you want to check your specific flight:

If you have travels that involve an area close to one of the impacted areas and a waiver hasn’t been offered for you yet, you might want to check again later today or in the morning before you head to the airport.

If you do decide to head to the airport you also might want to make sure everything is charged up and you’re ready to spend some time there. Even if flights can get out of your airport fine, you might be in for some delays thanks to incoming aircraft.


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