Learn about using Apple gear on the go in funny video starring the Underdogs - 2 minutes read

Instead of an ordinary video demonstrating how useful MacBooks, iPads and iPhones are on a business trip, Apple presents another madcap adventure of the Underdogs.

The group is off to Thailand to have millions of boxes produced for their most difficult client, and everything possible goes wrong. Fortunately, it’s Apple gear to the rescue.

Underdogs: Out of Office video goes on a wacky adventure in Asia

Cult of Mac and others make videos explaining how to use Apple gear. These are useful, but no one would call them as a “wacky good fun.” But that description does fit Apple’s Underdogs series.

The one released Thursday is OOO (Out of Office), and has the eccentric group of Apple users facing the challenge of fulfilling a huge order from their biggest client. It’s a rush job, of course, and too big for any of their current suppliers to handle. So they jet off to Thailand on short notice to find a new supplier.

They have to deal with cultural differences, language barriers, a truly horrible hotel, stress, and a client who keeps changing what he wants. But the Underdogs have iPhones to handle translations and iPads for video conferences, MacBooks to do design changes, and more. A Vision Pro headset even has a cameo.

Watch the fun of The Underdogs: OOO (Out of Office) now:

In addition to some fish-out-of-water humor, the video is an interesting way to discover features of Apple devices you might not be aware of — like you can point an iPhone camera at words written in Thai and have them translated.

Don’t expect a dry explanation on how to use a MacBook internationally. Instead, you’ll see somebody frantically typing on a MacBook while crammed into a tuk tuk.

Return of the Underdogs

The Underdogs starred in several previous videos that also demonstrate Apple tech being used in real world situations. As the characters all have a wide range of personality quirks, the videos mix humor in with the education.

Their last video was Swiped Mac demonstrating antitheft features of macOS notebooks. Before that was The whole working-from-home thing, which showed Apple devices being used during the pandemic.

And their first featured the Underdogs creating a circular pizza box under challenging conditions. With, of course, the help of Apple tech.

Source: Cult of Mac

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