Why you should talk about mental health at work - 4 minutes read

Why you should talk about mental health at work – Emma Brooks

For the longest time, talking about mental health at work has been a taboo. Have you burnt out? Don’t mention it or people might think you’re weak! Seeing a therapist? You must have something seriously wrong with you!

In general conversations around mental health have been taboo, mostly because there has been a big misunderstanding around what it is. If people don’t understand depression, or view OCD as “quirky”, it makes it harder for them to empathize with those who are experiencing an issue. There has also been a stigma around mental health, with people being viewed as “crazy” or good to be booked into the psych ward. But the truth is, mental health is not as black or white as it’s portrayed.

In part this created a vicious circle: no one talked about mental health so no one understood it, and since no one understood it people weren’t comfortable opening up.

Luckily things are changing, and mental health is finally climbing its way up the priority list for government officials, health authorities, and employers. So here’s why you should start talking about mental health at work!

Often there’s the perception that if you talk about mental health at work all hell will break loose. What do I mean by that?

Or at least that’s what we tell ourselves, and that’s why it’s harder for people to open up about their experiences. Studies show that nearly nine out of ten people with mental health problems say that stigma and discrimination have a negative effect on their lives. But don’t let that stop you! Of course, it’s scary to be vulnerable and talk about, or bring such a topic to the table. Trust me, when I first started writing these blog posts I was terrified of publishing them…

I also understand that jobs are our livelihoods, and a lot of variables in our lives are tied to them. For example: being able to pay rent, caring for our families and children, being able to buy food, travel etc. So it’s natural that we are less inclined to take risks at work.

But in fact, mental health is already present in the workplace whether we talk about it or not. People are already experiencing problems, be it burnout, anxiety or depression, it is simply under the radar, or hidden. It’s just that everyone is paying the price for the silence: employees are suffering and struggling to get proper help, whilst employers are experiencing turnover, lower productivity or paying out sick leave.

That’s why we need more people to help break the stigma by speaking up, to make it a safer space for everyone.

Here are the reasons why I believe talking about mental health helps, both in and out of work.

And that is exactly what we can do.

You may not feel comfortable sharing personal experiences, and that’s fine. Or you may not have experienced any mental health issues yourself… The barrier to entry doesn’t have to be high in order to make a difference. Here are some simple things you can do:

By now I hope that you’re convinced of why we need to talk more about mental health at work, and are ready to get started. Together we can help break the stigma and create a safer space for everyone.

There is no need to set the barrier extremely high or put yourself under pressure to be an advocate. It starts with the simple things and small steps that will little by little make a difference.

Source: Emmabrooks.eu

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Mental healthEmploymentMental healthEmploymentTabooPac DivReligious educationMental healthTabooUnderstandingDepression (mood)Obsessive–compulsive disorderSocial stigmaMental healthInsanityPsychiatric hospitalMental healthBlack or WhiteVirtuous circle and vicious circleMental disorderMental healthGovernmentEmploymentMental healthEmploymentPerceptionMental healthSocial stigmaRacismTrust Me (album)BlogFamilyChildNatureRiskEmploymentMental healthGiftWorkplacePersonOccupational burnoutAnxietyDepression (mood)Taylor HicksEmploymentEmploymentTurnover (employment)Working classProductivitySick leaveSocial stigmaSafe-spaceMental disorderMental disorderBarriers to entrySocial stigmaSafe-spaceWill Little