Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of July 1-7 - 19 minutes read

Free People Horoscope by Tracy Allen, Week of July 1-7

Mars enters Leo on Monday, there’s a solar eclipse in Cancer on Tuesday, Venus enters Cancer on Wednesday and Mercury goes retrograde in Leo next Sunday!

With Mars exiting Cancer and activating your worth zone through mid-August, you’ll feel a push to deal with your finances and belongings. Be proactive about using the resources at your disposal (hint: think in terms of talents and tools) in order to accomplish tasks. During the next seven weeks, you might get defensive over what is yours — and that includes your personal values and priorities. This week’s solar eclipse lands in Cancer, offering you a massive fresh start! Think back to this time last year, when another solar eclipse occurred in your sign. Once again, the universe is urging you to keep becoming the person you were meant to be. Focus on yourself and set your intentions for the coming year. Change is in the air! You may encounter some opposition to your choices, and you’ll need to cultivate faith in your vision of the future as you continue to move toward it. When Venus sashays into Cancer for a three-and-a-half-week stay midweek, you’ll make the transition from hermit crab to social butterfly. People are bound to be drawn to you, so surround yourself with the VIPs in your life. If you’re single and dating, seek out settings where you’re apt to cross paths with eligible prospects. This phase helps you to feel your most attractive and charming, and you can take advantage of it by staying in circulation. After Mercury does a U-turn in your worth zone, your financial judgment won’t be totally on point, so put off splurges and negotiations for a few weeks and go over your budget with a fine-tooth comb.

Mars rockets into Leo at the beginning of the week — his first visit to your sign since the summer of 2017. This galvanizing planet gives you a whopping dose of yang energy, prompting you to go big or go home. You’ll have the momentum to achieve what you want to achieve, and if you need to fight for your rights, you’ll have the courage to stand up and be counted. Work independently if possible because your daunting drive can cause you to dominate other people. You’re no pushover! Burn off steam with a challenging workout so you don’t get too fired up. On a very different note, the solar eclipse at the end of your chart alludes to a new chapter in your spiritual life, and you may begin to do some serious soul searching. In the next several months, resisting the compulsion to control and surrendering to the divine plan of the universe can give you a sense of peace. Now’s a good time to start a new spiritual practice or journal and finally bring about an ending that’s overdue. Closure will pave the way to a fresh start. Venus slips into your subliminal corner next, so you’ll need more alone time in the next few weeks. Don’t feel guilty about enjoying your solitude! Besides, with Mercury turning retrograde in your sign, you won’t have an easy time getting your message across. Postpone big decisions, and instead, rethink your personal choices and consider what you want to say when communication clears up at the end of the month. And try not to get too hung up on being misunderstood!

The arrival of Mars in your retreat corner can launch an aggravating seven-week period if you’re intent on making a big impression and getting credit for what you’re doing. If you’re willing to work quietly behind the scenes, you can accomplish a lot. Try to stay on top of a tendency to undermine yourself now; this transit is associated with working against yourself and backsliding into regressive behavior. Confront your own self-sabotage rather than taking your frustrations out on others. The solar eclipse in your network sector can bring new friendships, professional contacts and group affiliations in the coming months, so make a point of connecting with people. Look for opportunities to collaborate — especially on endeavors that will make a difference in the world. Seek out supportive people you can learn from and peers who share your interests, ideals or goals. You might extend your reach on social media soon or add something major to your bucket list. With Venus showing up in the same part of your chart, you’ll be in the mood to network and socialize. Say yes to group gatherings, because that’s where you’ll really thrive. On the other hand, your ruler, Mercury, is doing a 180° in your retreat corner, pulling some of your attention inward. In the next few weeks, you can get more information from your intuition, imagination, dreams, memories and buried feelings than you can from the outside world. Communication won’t come easy, so don’t force it. Tune out the noise and tune into your soul.

When Mars charges into your humanity house for a seven-week visit, he’ll rally the troops for productive teamwork. Look around you. Who shares your interests, ideals and objectives? Band together instead of competing against each other. Collaboration is a winning strategy, so find people you can work with. Another good use of this energy: participating in physical activities with a group, like team sports. A solar eclipse at the peak of your chart encourages you to also shine solo. Your public image, professional status, responsibilities or life path may be due for a change. It’s an appropriate time to set new goals, embark on a fresh career chapter or chart a fresh course and start moving in a different direction. Your impetus to make a mark in the world gets a big boost from this lunation. Venus is also ascending to the peak of your chart, and she’s there to help you charm higher-ups and be your own best publicist. Your creative work may earn you accolades in the next few weeks. You’ll be able to get along well with colleagues, and your amiability can also win respect. With Mercury beginning to backpedal, though, crossed wires in your squad or another group can lead to misunderstandings, so avoid gossip. Back up all your devices and hold off on buying tech. You could reconnect with an old friend and find yourself contemplating who you want in your inner circle. Social media will be rife with drama, making it essential to practice good netiquette. Resist the urge to clap back at trolls — it’s a waste of time!

As Mars climbs to the top of your chart, where he’ll hover for the next seven weeks, your ambition surges. The more you identify with a goal, the more determined you’ll be to achieve it. If you can manage to work independently and focus on endeavors that matter to you, that would be ideal. Mars doesn’t like to answer to authority, and neither will you. If you do end up having to cooperate with coworkers or check in with a boss, remember to choose your battles wisely. This week’s solar eclipse rocks your expansion sector, prompting you to take a leap of faith. Forego the status quo and launch an entrepreneurial venture, take a big trip, embark on a new course of study or broaden your horizons in another way that gets your juices flowing. Set your sights on a fresh adventure! With Venus breezing into that same corner for a three-and-a-half-week jaunt, it’s time to take the blinders off and explore a wider range of pleasures. Socialize with people who are very different from you. Date someone you’d usually swipe left on. Enjoy a vacay fling or give a long-distance romance a chance. The spirit of adventure will enhance your relationships now, putting your comfort zone off-limits. Mercury is entering its retrograde phase at the top of your chart, which will complicate communication with authority figures, so watch your tone. Review your goals rather than publicizing them. You might want to revise a business plan or rethink your career path in the next few weeks, bringing them more in line with your current identity and circumstances.

Your exploration corner is the area of the chart that naturally governs Sagittarian stuff like travel and education — and it plays host to mobilizing Mars starting this week. He’ll be camped out there for the next seven weeks, daring you to take risks. You might engage in courageous physical activities like extreme sports; fight for what you believe in; take a major trip; and seek out unfamiliar experiences you can learn from. You definitely shouldn’t play it safe, but when Mars tempts you to beat people over the head with your personal opinions, step off the soapbox and take a breath. You can — and should — stand up for your principles, but resist the urge to recruit others over to your side. This week’s solar eclipse nudges you to pay off a debt or seek an outside resource like a loan or grant. It also offers incentive to recover from a wound, loss or crisis because a psychological shift can open the door to a new level of intimacy. Make emotional growth a priority! Once Venus sneaks into your sharing sector, you’ll begin to crave deeper closeness with other individuals, and sex is apt to be extra intense. Share the real you with a person you trust. Doing so can help you to overcome fear. After Mercury shifts into reverse, perplexing debates may start to pop up, and you’d do well to evaluate your beliefs and look for fresh perspective. This is an excellent time to weed out prejudices as you examine your views. Be patient with travel and education-related snafus. Revisiting and relearning are bound to be easier.

As Mars segues into your depth-and-merging house, that’s your cue to invest in a collaborative partnership or explore the dark corners of your soul in an effort to transform on an emotional level. Research, investigation and passion projects will be particularly fruitful between now and mid-August. Zero in on something and delve in with intensity. If you’re in a serious relationship, shared resources — and sharing in general — can be a source of conflict. But they’re also exactly what you can work on together. Do as you say when it comes to give and take. A solar eclipse in your one-on-one angle implies a new partnership (or a new level of commitment in an existing one) may be in the pipeline. It’s a good time to think about how you can make your relationships healthier and more balanced. If you’re not sure you’re ready to go public with something you’ve been working on, this lunation says you are! After Venus dances into that angle, you’ll be even more oriented toward relationships. It should be easy to find common ground with — and enjoy the company of — other individuals, so make lots of one-on-one plans in the next few weeks. And if you need to make peace with someone, go ahead and extend the olive branch. Mercury, however, is going retrograde, which can mess with communication in an intimate relationship. You might reminisce about a past lover or reflect on a painful loss. Protect any info you want to keep private, and probe your psyche for nuggets of truth.

With Mars blasting across your interpersonal angle at the beginning of the week, the message is this: Partnership is the most productive route to take between now and mid-August. Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, two will be better than one! Have you glossed over any grievances? It’s time to clear the air and hash things out. Conflict can be constructive when you choose your battles with care and fight fair. This is also the season for recruiting an exercise buddy to keep you on track, since a partner in crime is likely to enhance most endeavors. The solar eclipse in your productivity corner gives you a needed push to initiate a positive habit; launch a job search; learn a skill; streamline your schedule; begin a different diet or fitness routine; adopt a pet, improve your time management or work ethic; get organized; and get healthy. Fortunately, Venus will be gracing that same corner for the next few weeks, helping you to enjoy what you’re doing. You can get into a pleasantly efficient flow and enjoy smooth relations with your colleagues. It’s a good time for creative work, beautifying your workspace and solving a relationship problem. Mercury is going off the grid, though, which can jam the signals between you and other individuals. Try not to jump to conclusions; instead, give people the benefit of the doubt. You might find yourself rehashing old fights without reaching any new understanding. But reviewing your relationships and your agreements with others — spoken and unspoken — will be worthwhile.

Mars will be staked out in your efficiency corner through the middle of August, motivating you to get tons done. You’ll have sufficient energy to tackle a lot of what’s on your plate and should take pride in all your hard work. But your drive may be a bit disconcerting to coworkers since Mars can be rather brash, so try to operate solo to the extent that you can. Put your nose to the grindstone and make yourself useful. If you get stressed, rigorous workouts will help you burn off excess energy. A solar eclipse in your fulfillment zone reminds you to balance out all that work with plenty of play. A new romance, creative venture or other source of personal gratification could be just around the corner. Follow your passion, and if you encounter pushback, use it to strengthen your resolve. Coquettish Venus shows up in that zone next, putting you in the mood to get out of the house and enjoy life in the next few weeks — so get some dates and/or GNOs on the books, express your inner artiste and wear your heart on your sleeve! Mercury will be backspinning in your efficiency corner for the rest of the month, and you’re liable to overlook details during that time. Be prepared to double back and correct yourself later. Edit yourself at work, as crossed wires on the job are especially common. Thankfully, this is a good time to reapply for a position, revise a project, relearn a skill, revamp your routine and research a health issue.

Your ruler, Mars, zooms into your joy sector at the start of the week, and he’ll be hanging out there through mid-August, firing you up to get out and have some fun. It’s time to be bolder in your pursuit of your heart’s desires, and you’ll find the courage now to take some risks. You’re inclined to do as you please during this period and won’t have much interest in tackling unpleasant tasks. Sports and sex are both great uses of this physical, expressive energy. The solar eclipse in your foundation angle hits closer to home, pointing to an imminent change in your family or your living situation. You might get inspired to renovate, relocate, go on a decorating spree or start a new self-care practice. With Venus dipping down to that same angle next, you’re reminded that sometimes there really is no place like home. You may be in the mood soon to hole up by yourself and indulge in comfort food and binge watching. Or you might want to play hostess and relish the company of people who know you well. Enjoy the domestic goddess life for a few weeks, but be aware that Mercury will be retrograde around the same time, which might leave you a bit tongue-tied if you’re trying to speak from the heart. You’ll have more luck rereading something for pleasure, revising creative writing, rediscovering an old source of fun and reevaluating what fulfills you. And don’t be surprised if an ex springs to mind or pops out of the woodwork!

After Mars sneaks down to the base of your chart, his presence there can impact the next seven weeks in a couple of different ways. Your behavior can become more emotionally driven (and possibly compulsive), triggering petty battles. Do your best to tune into your underlying mood in order to avoid such conflicts. You could also get very active around the house — working from home, tackling a domestic project or joining forces with your family or housemates. A solar eclipse in your thinking-and-talking corner nudges you to approach life like a curious student, staying ever young and engaged. New information and increased daily busyness could be on the way. You might also make a fresh start with a sibling or get involved in your community. It’s a good time to work on switching up your habitual ways of perceiving and communicating. Learning, decision making and domestic travel are all favored. Venus is segueing into the same corner, which will brighten your mindset and enhance your social life. Make a point of appreciating the beauty in your surroundings and the warmth in your encounters — doing so should keep your spirits high this month. With Mercury going rogue during the same period, you might reconnect with family, ruminate on private feelings and rethink your living situation. You could wander down memory lane in your head and speak with a tinge of nostalgia. This transit will scramble signals on the home front, and if you feel misunderstood when trying to articulate your feelings, you might want to stick to introspection or speak to a healing professional like a psychotherapist.

When Mars marches into your thinking-and-talking corner for a seven-week stay, he’ll dare you to speak up for yourself and pitch your ideas. Since your brain and your communication will be quite charged during this time, you’ll have plenty of dynamic interactions and can take on challenging mental work. If you need to sell people on something you’ve cooked up in your head, this is a favorable period for it. A solar eclipse in your worth zone can motivate you to set a financial goal, create a budget and refresh your priorities, based on your core values. A new source of income may open up soon, so see if you can get the ball rolling. Stay focused on what you have going for you. After Venus moves into that same zone, both your desire for nice things and your capacity to earn what you need can grow — making money “easy come, easy go” for the next few weeks. Be on the lookout for financial opportunities and try to align your taste with your budget if extravagance is a concern for you. You might want to ponder your relationship with money and things and examine how that ties in with your self-esteem. How does your own sense of worth translate to what you believe you deserve? With Mercury pivoting backward now, communication and travel can be a hornet’s nest. Keep your sense of humor and work on being more patient. If possible, postpone signing paperwork, making big decisions and having important talks until the smoke clears next month.

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