BrandPost: Mobile Support: Are Your Employees Getting What They Need? - 2 minutes read

Mobile Support: Are Your Employees Getting What They Need?

We’re going to go out on a limb and say most employees bring their own mobile devices to work. You probably do too, and it’s not a bad idea. Using a smartphone or tablet you’re already familiar with – and to which you’re already attached at the hip – often helps you to be more productive as an employee. For companies, embracing the bring-your-own-device trend isn’t a bad idea either. That individual boost in productivity compounds across the enterprise.

But that doesn’t mean it’s as easy as turning on the green light and letting employees have at it. Those mobile devices need to be supported – and at a high service level end users have come to expect – or companies risk taking a hit on employee productivity and job satisfaction. You can thank places like Apple’s Genius Bar for raising the bar on support expectations. That’s the same level of first-class support employees expect at work and the standard IT support teams are being held to today.

How is the market at large tackling the challenge of mobile support? To find out, LogMeIn Rescue partnered with IDG to survey over 100 IT decision makers in enterprises with more than 500 employees. The full IDG survey report is available for download, but you can see a quick snapshot in the handy infographic below. Spoiler alert: there’s plenty of progress to be made.


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Out on a Limb (film)Mobile deviceSmartphoneTablet computerFamiliar LinuxInfiltrate•Destroy•RebuildProductivityBring your own deviceProductivityMobile deviceEnd userCompanyRiskEmploymentProductivityJob satisfactionApple Inc.Genius BarRaising the Bar (2008 TV series)British undergraduate degree classificationTechnical supportMarketingMobile phoneLogMeInInternational Data GroupInternational Data GroupInfographicSpoiler Alert (How I Met Your Mother)