Analysis: Trump's war on toilets (and sinks and showers and dishwashers) - 2 minutes read

Donald Tump 2020 rally: President makes war on toilets (and sinks and showers and dishwashers)

"But sinks, toilets and showers. You don't get any water. They put restrictors on and now they made them permanent. People used to take them out. They put restrictors on. Try going and buying a new faucet. You turn it on, no water comes out. Right? We won't talk about toilets, but you know that's true. Ten, fifteen -- but we don't talk about that. Because I've said this three or four times, the only subject they ever talk about is toilet, so I don't mention it. But how about the shower? You go into a shower, and I have this beautiful head of hair. I need a lot of water. You go into the shower, right? You turn on the water. Drip, drip, drip. I call the guy, something wrong with this? No, sir. It's just the restrictor. So you're in there five times longer than you're supposed to be. You use probably more water. And it's a very unpleasant experience. Right? So we're getting rid of the restrictors, you're going to have full shower flow. You'll see. Did you ever go to the faucet, you turn on the faucet to wash your hands, and it turns on so easy. It's like this, you know, because there's zero pressure behind it, no water. You go like that the thing flips on and whoa. And then dunk, dunk. These people are crazy."

Source: CNN

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