Stephen Colbert rips into Jared Kushner's attempt to spin 1 million coronavirus cases as 'a great... - 1 minute read

The U.S. recorded its millionth case of coronavirus on Tuesday, yet the Trump administration is trying to claim that as a victory. Speaking to Fox & Friends that same day, the president's son-in-law and waxen face of the White House's disastrous coronavirus response Jared Kushner claimed the current numbers are actually a "great story." Said numbers include 60,000 recorded deaths in the U.S. from the virus.

"Yes, it's a great story," agreed Stephen Colbert in his monologue on Tuesday evening, mirroring Kushner's wooden-puppet-boy inflection.

"More people dying under this administration in 100 days than died in 20 years of the Vietnam War — that's a story that needs to be told. Perhaps in the blockbuster movie Preventable Apocalypse Now."

Source: Mashable

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