Can a prospect be added to a running drip campaign and start in the middle? - 2 minutes read

Can a prospect be added to a running drip campaign and start in the middle?

I'm running time sensative drip campaigns for a 5K event. I'm trying to capture people who are signing up for the event from outside marketing campaigns (ie. Facebook ads, direct marketing), but who were not on the orginal list used in the drip campaign. I created a automation rule that is looking at the salesforce campaign (the registration page is a classy page) and grabbing people who are in there. From there I tag them and add them to the original list used in the drip campaign. 

Long question short. Are any of the prospects that I'm finding who weren't on the original list, in fact getting added to the list AND going through the drip campaign? Especially since the campaign is sending emails on certain dates, therefor making it impossible for the first or second email to get sent again. 

Basically wondering is newly added prospects can start halfway through a drip campaign, or if they'll always start at the beggining.


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