CBRM won't be viable unless population decline stemmed: report - 3 minutes read

An independent study says if the population continues to decline in Cape Breton Regional Municipality, the region will not be viable in the long term.

The study, done by the firm Grant Thornton and paid for by the Nova Scotia government, made 20 recommendations on ways to increase population and tax revenues.

A committee of CBRM council that includes municipal and provincial staff, as well as two citizens, received the report Tuesday morning.

Among other things, the report recommends launching a marketing strategy, increasing immigration and improving municipal efficiency and revenues.

One of the recommendations suggests CBRM develop a business case for increased provincial funding.

Mayor Cecil Clarke said money will be the key to achieving many of the goals under the optimistic scenario, "because there's a brutal reality that this report underlined."

He said many people are pessimistic about the economic climate due to depopulation. CBRM's population is currently about 91,000.

According to the study, projections show that if nothing else changes over the next 20 years, the population will continue to drop by about 1,000 citizens every year.

The rate of decline increases under what the report calls a "pessimistic" scenario, in which population drops faster, negatively affecting tax revenues and the growing infrastructure deficit.

Under an "optimistic" scenario, various efforts could stem the rate of population decline. The population could then return to the current level in about eight years and start to grow modestly after that.

The growth then could start to have a positive effect on municipal funds and infrastructure.

Coun. Earlene MacMullin said the report provides "third-party validation" of council's position that the municipality is underfunded and headed for trouble.

CBRM's chief administrative officer, Marie Walsh, said the report is close to being finished, but the municipality's work is just beginning.

Some of that work, such as joining a provincial regional enterprise network to spur economic development, is already underway, she said.

But the report will also be a tool to negotiate funding with the province, Walsh said.

The study is expected to go to a special meeting of council later this month and will be finalized by Grant Thornton after that.

Source: CBC News

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Cape Breton Regional MunicipalityEnvironmental economicsEducationBusinessGrant Thornton InternationalNova ScotiaCape Breton Regional MunicipalityLocal governmentCitizenshipCape Breton Regional MunicipalityCecil ClarkeGoalPessimismEconomyCape Breton Regional MunicipalityWorld populationEducationInfrastructureInterest ratePopulation declineEconomic growthInfrastructureMunicipalityCape Breton Regional MunicipalityMunicipalityEconomic developmentEducationLocal governmentGrant Thornton International