Ask The Experts: Cherry Zhao No. 337 at California Table Tennis - 1 minute read

Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer Question: Does your legs have to be more spread when you are further from the table? Or does it have to be the same whether you are close or far from the table? And also: how spread your legs should be? I see that all players have a different distance between their legs. Some are tall but still have very spread legs as some players shorter than them. And the opposite: some tall players have not that much spread legs as some short players do. I thought it was about how tall are you but from what I see, it isn’t. Would like to hear from you! Answer: 
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This Ask the Experts question was answered by Coach Cherry Zhao. She is a coach at California Table Tennis in Rosemead, CA. Coach Zhao’s response is as follows:
Hi Alexander, The position is usually wider than the shoulders, however some people stand wider or narrower depending on their habits. Based on the different oncoming balls, the position may be change.  Best wishes, Coach Cherry