Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 256 - 1 minute read

Ask The Experts: Jon Ebuen, No. 256

Butterfly Table Tennis Question and Answer


Hello Coach,
I want to upgrade my son racket with the combination with control and speed. At present, he is using Stiga all-round classic blade with Mark-V and Donic rubber. Pleas advise.

Warm Regards,

Coach Jon Ebuen, Ask The ExpertsAnswer:

Hi Mohit,

Thank you for your message.

I would highly suggest for your son the following set up:

Blade – Viscaria

Forehand Rubber –Dignics 05 (1.9mm)

Backhand Rubber –Dignics 05 (1.9mm)

This set up has great control, speed and very, very good spin.  Good luck with your switch and your table tennis.

Jon Ebuen

New York City Table Tennis Academy
