

37ec91099450fc2fc637c77e78953759 Anderson @Anderson - over 5 years ago
Ngidi looking forward to 'grudge match' against India at the World Cup
9:16 AM ETLiam BrickhillLungi Ngidi has lined up South Africa's World Cup match against India at the Rose Bowl as a grudge match he is particularly looking forward to. India thrashed South Africa 5-1 the last time the teams met in a bilateral series in early 2018, and Ngi...continued
2 minutes read
37ec91099450fc2fc637c77e78953759 Anderson @Anderson - over 5 years ago
World ‘not on track’ to stop 1.5 degrees of global warming warns UN Secretary General
United Nations Secretary General António Guterres warned the world is “not on track” to limit global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Speaking in New Zealand Sunday morning ahead of traveling to Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Fiji — nations a...continued
3 minutes read
37ec91099450fc2fc637c77e78953759 Anderson @Anderson - over 5 years ago
This is what happens when a white woman wants to chat about race
Kim Ruff, who is running for the Libertarian Party nomination for president, admits to having a limited understanding about broad swaths of the country she hopes to lead — particularly the parts with large numbers of black Americans. But she is open to learning. To her cr...continued
6 minutes read
37ec91099450fc2fc637c77e78953759 Anderson @Anderson - over 5 years ago
Equity Shot: Judging Uber’s less-than-grand opening day – TechCrunch
Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast, where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines. We are back, as promised. Kate Clark and Alex Wilhelm re-convened today to discuss the latest from the Uber IPO. Namely that it opened down, a...continued
Tc equity podcast ios 2 1 1
2 minutes read
37ec91099450fc2fc637c77e78953759 Anderson @Anderson - over 5 years ago
Freedom Mobile server leak exposed customer data
A security lapse at Canada’s fourth largest cell network Freedom Mobile exposed customer data.Security researchers Noam Rotem and Ran Locar found an Elasticsearch server leaking five million logs containing customer data. The server wasn’t protected with a password, allow...continued
Freedom mobile
3 minutes read
37ec91099450fc2fc637c77e78953759 Anderson @Anderson - over 5 years ago
Trump’s lawyers pick the worst possible way to fight Deutsche Bank subpoenas
Here’s a pro tip for lawyers: if you are going to ask a court to fundamentally alter the balance of power between the legislative branch and the judiciary, it’s a good idea to accurately describe any Supreme Court cases you rely upon. It’s a bad idea to tell the court tha...continued
5 minutes read