

498be12662c1d913d0cbee6108a66520 Torey @Torey - over 5 years ago
Want to help struggling college students? Support the low-paid staff who teach them.
LAS VEGAS – College lecturer Angela Edwards-Luckett teaches world religion, a subject she is passionate about. Her work is deeply rewarding, but it’s also financially precarious: She barely earns enough to get by. With a husband on disability and $100,000 in college loans...continued
8 minutes read
498be12662c1d913d0cbee6108a66520 Torey @Torey - over 5 years ago
Player empowerment is taking women’s sports to new heights
In a promising trend for professionals athletes’ labor rights, a growing number of NBA stars are opting to follow in the footsteps of LeBron James and take their careers into their own hands. These players are signing short-term contracts or demanding trades in order to h...continued
7 minutes read
498be12662c1d913d0cbee6108a66520 Torey @Torey - over 5 years ago
House intel chair: Even with Justin Amash’s comments, GOP Senate isn’t willing to remove Trump
House Intelligence chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday that even though Michigan Republican Rep. Justin Amash recently called for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, it is unlikely that an impeachment trial will be successful in the Senate. Speaking to CBS’s Face th...continued
3 minutes read
498be12662c1d913d0cbee6108a66520 Torey @Torey - over 5 years ago
Turning objective data into creative marketing - Marketing Land
Marketing is a vast, often turbulent topic. It becomes even more daunting when you take out the analytical aspects and toss in words like “creative.” Nevertheless, creative marketing campaigns are the crux of your success. Without them, you lack the means to reach and eng...continued
Allenmartinez lg
6 minutes read
498be12662c1d913d0cbee6108a66520 Torey @Torey - over 5 years ago
Inslee rolls out sweeping climate plan, setting new standard for 2020 Democrats
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democratic presidential candidate who has dedicated his entire campaign to addressing the climate crisis, unveiled his first major policy proposal Friday morning. The ambitious plan charts a course other presidential contenders may follow as ...continued
6 minutes read
498be12662c1d913d0cbee6108a66520 Torey @Torey - over 5 years ago
New a16z funds, a $200M round, and the latest from WeWork and Slack – TechCrunch
Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast, where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines. This week brought the ever-excellent Danny Crichton back to the show, along with myself. The two of us opted to do a bit of a news run, so str...continued
Tc equity podcast ios
2 minutes read