

76cef6f73945104b91bf5d96ec4a3ce2 Rowan @Rowan - over 5 years ago
‘Crypto exchange’ Goxtrade caught using other people’s photos on its staff page – TechCrunch
Alleged cryptocurrency exchange Goxtrade bills itself as a “trusted platform for trading bitcoins,” but its staff page is filled with photos of people pulled seemingly at random from the internet. The alleged exchange, which claimed to debut in 2017 yet its website is onl...continued
Goxtrade 1
4 minutes read
76cef6f73945104b91bf5d96ec4a3ce2 Rowan @Rowan - over 5 years ago
Amazon now sells flight tickets in India – TechCrunch
Indians can already use Amazon to pay for their mobile bills and borrow money to purchase items, but now there’s more. This week, the ecommerce giant quietly introduced an additional feature to its shopping site: flight tickets. Amazon has partnered with local travel ser...continued
Amazon flight india
3 minutes read
76cef6f73945104b91bf5d96ec4a3ce2 Rowan @Rowan - over 5 years ago
The forgotten history of how Abraham Lincoln helped rig the Senate for Republicans
Once upon a time, nobody lived in Nevada. In 1860, the year Abraham Lincoln was elected president, Nevada was a desert wasteland with fewer than 7,000 residents. Indeed, the Silver State didn’t even exist on the day of Lincoln’s election. Two days before the lame-duck Pre...continued
10 minutes read
76cef6f73945104b91bf5d96ec4a3ce2 Rowan @Rowan - over 5 years ago
Alexa in-skill purchasing, which lets developers make money from voice apps, launches...
A year after Amazon opened up in-skill purchasing to all Alexa developers in the U.S., the company is launching the service internationally. Initially, the capability will roll out to developers in the U.K., Germany and Japan, and then developers elsewhere in the world. W...continued
Amazon echo alexa
2 minutes read