Weight Loss Story of the Day: Miesha lost 98 pounds - 2 minutes read

WEIGHT LOSS STORY OF THE DAY: MIESHA LOST 98 POUNDS May 19, 2014 by 6 Comments Weight Loss Story of the Day: Miesha lost 98 pounds. She has gone from a size 24 to a size 10/12. Zumba and calorie counting were a big part of her transformation. Read all about her journey: “Hi, I am Miesha. At my heaviest weight, I was 293 lbs. I am currently 195 lbs. I’ve lost my weight with hard work and commitment. No surgery, just the gym, Zumba classes and counting calories . The doctor told me I had high blood pressure and I wouldn’t live, so I had to do something about it I started my weight loss journey in July of 2011. I was 293 pounds and was diagnosed with hypertension. I had tried so many diets prior to this and none worked. Everyone kept telling me I needed to lose weight. One day I woke up and decided enough was enough and I was going to put the fork down and make a change. I started counting my calories and working out at the gym. I was doing Zumba, hip hop dance, aerobics, hiking and jogging. I got impatient when the weight was not coming off fast enough and wanted to give up. I considered having weight loss surgery and even asked my doctor. I was told no because I was not morbidly obese. I downloaded the My Fitness Pal app and gave it my best. Since then, I’ve lost my weight all naturally. I’ve kept the weight off by still counting my calories, making better eating choices and working out at least 4 times a week. I have no desire to be skinny, just to remain healthy. At my heaviest, I was a size 24W and currently I am in a size 10/12.” Check her out on Instagram: