How to Impress a Guy on a First Date - 5 minutes read

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How to Impress a Guy on a First Date

Whether you want a future or not with this guy you are going to date, you want of course your first date to be a success. Every woman wants to wow a guy on their first date. So what does it take to impress a guy on a first date?

Be punctual. 

While most women tend to keep men waiting, it doesn't mean that you have to do the same and make him wait. Be on time and this could be a pleasant surprise that could impress any guy. A woman who is considerate of other people's time is amazing. To impress a guy on a first date, respect his time and be punctual.

Carry yourself well. 

The way you walk and carry yourself attracts and impresses men. It is necessary to dress appropriately and put some effort into your overall looks and style for your first date but it is how you carry yourself that can really impress a guy on a first date. Even if you made a great effort on your looks but failed to carry yourself with confidence, then your date won't be impressed. Your appearance matters but your good looks must be coupled with the confidence to be able to make a lasting impression on your first date. If you are comfortable and confident with yourself, then you are on the right path to impress a guy on a first date.

Ask him to talk about himself. 

The first date is a getting to know each other and although it is not advisable to divulge everything about yourself on a first date, it is not good to be so quiet. Most men expect that women love to talk about themselves but it will be a good surprise if you will show interest and ask him to talk about his job, career, hobbies, family, etc. It means that you are interested to know him and you actually want a good conversation with him. Men are usually not big talkers and usually not comfortable expressing themselves, if you can make him talk about himself for a change, that would really impress him. To impress a guy on a first date, make him talk about himself.


Asking questions to show you are interested in one thing but listening is another thing. You will not leave a good impression if you are just asking him questions to somehow appear that you are interested but not actually listening to what he's talking about. Everybody wants to be heard when they are talking and men are no different, they want to be heard too. You'll be amazed at how as simple as listening or absorbing what he's saying can impress a guy on a first date.

Talk about your interest. 

Most people talk about their jobs, so for a change talk about your hobbies and other interest. Who knows, you and your date might discover you both have the same interest. Sharing about your hobbies and interest will show that you are an independent woman who knows what you really want and that is pretty impressive. Sharing a little bit about yourself and what interests you can be very helpful to impress a guy on a first date.

Exercise good manners and right conduct.

Women should be refined and must display good manners. Being rude and too loud will not help you make a good impression on your first date. Be courteous and do not forget to say thank you and please. It will not only show that you have good manners but it will also show that you've been brought up well by your parents.

Create a pleasant atmosphere on your date. It is good to be relaxed on your first date but do not get too relaxed that you find it comfortable to complain about things that should not be discussed on your first date. If you want to impress a guy on a first date, leave the drama and stress at work or at home. If you had a bad day, your first date is not the venue to complain about your issues at work and at home. Keep a pleasant and positive atmosphere on your date. He will be impressed by how positive and pleasant you are when in reality, the world is a stressful place to live in.

Do not try too hard to impress your date. 

It can be a real turn-off to be too obvious that you are trying hard to impress him. The easiest way to impress a guy on a first date is to just relax and let things happen naturally. He will be impressed with how you are so relaxed and cool about your first date and it may also encourage him not to be too nervous.

Make your first date a memorable and successful one. To learn more about how to attract men and achieve success in the dating scene, watch my free video presentation here.

#dating #relationships


Cary L. Caldwell commented on How to Impress a Guy on a First Date over 1 year ago

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