How to Use a Book for Business PR - 2 minutes read

Writing a successful book takes time and dedication, and when you choose to self-publish, there are responsibilities to consider beyond being the author. However, learning how to market books is essential once you've navigated the writing process. Many astute business owners and professionals have found that professionally published books serve as powerful tools within their marketing strategies. They not only help to build credibility but also provide opportunities for media exposure and can attract new clients and business opportunities. It's the "newsworthiness" of books that works in your favor.

One of the critical aspects of successful business or professional practice marketing is establishing credibility. Books uniquely position you as an expert in your field in a way that few other mediums can. They allow prospective clients to gain insight into your business philosophy and way of thinking and can include examples of clients and past successes. It is a much more compelling demonstration of capabilities than what can be conveyed through a website or brochure. With self-publishing now widely accepted for producing quality books, it's acceptable to publish independently.

In addition to credibility, books can help attract media coverage. Media outlets are more inclined to feature you when a book accompanies a publicist's pitch about your newsworthiness. It, in turn, enhances your credibility with potential clients. Media coverage is valuable for your website and social media channels and positions you as a leader in your industry or profession, someone who is trusted and respected. It is a challenging task to proactively generate the level of coverage that a book can earn. Websites and brochures show clients what you do; a book is tangible proof. 

A book also provides a platform to explain your ideas and services more thoroughly. The additional credibility garnered from media coverage is significant, as being featured implies that you are a highly regarded expert. Writing a book offers numerous benefits, and if you've faced challenges in marketing yourself and your business, a book has the potential to turn things around quickly. Additionally, many find writing and publishing a book enjoyable, especially for those passionate about their careers and areas of expertise. If you've been thinking about becoming an author, start today.