
Anything to do with Politics

7bcb1d07c0ef7a8d3ef21a145cb66a5c Giovanni @Giovanni - over 3 years ago
Where do Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner go from here?
CNN's Kate Bennett reports Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are trying to figure out where to go next. Their plans for a future in politics could be out of reach because of the several crises facing President Donald Trump's administration in its last days.
201113080842 jared kushner ivanka trump pennsylvania 0922 super tease
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39b1531710d6d8cc8cd7a9a0bb2d9867 Ryleigh @Ryleigh - about 5 years ago
We Are In an Abyss
Andrew Sullivan: “This country has had volatile civil conflicts before. What’s different now is we have a president whose instinct in such turbulent times is actually to intensify the turbulence with rhetoric and mass rallies that foment greater and greater mutual hostili...continued
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656f443bf945c1d489be8648db415f13 Cynthia @Cynthia - almost 4 years ago
Keilar: No one should be playing politics with health of Americans
Baldwin: No one in my 21 years of journalism has sent me a photo like thisSource: CNNPowered by NewsAPI.org
200916152734 keilar mono super tease
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Bcc328421e41493288f095ab9a711673 Roger @Roger - about 4 years ago
Hear Dr. Gupta's message to Georgia's governor Kemp
Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.Source: CNNPowered by NewsAPI.org
200820112901 gupta newday super tease
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A59a299a48e660a4cad891f05afdefa8 Geovany @Geovany - over 5 years ago
Federal judge smacks down Trump’s resistance to congressional oversight
A federal judge ruled against President Donald Trump’s massive resistance to congressional oversight on Monday, holding that the president’s accounting firm must turn over many of Trump’s financial records to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Just as significan...continued
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69ab36bf73ce82cc3579c8f2504f3bac Gregoria @Gregoria - over 5 years ago
Jews in Germany advised not to wear kippahs everywhere in public
“I cannot advise Jews to wear the Kippah everywhere all the time in Germany.” That’s what Felix Klein, Germany’s commissioner on anti-Semitism, said in an interview with the Funke regional press group published on Saturday. He blamed “the lifting of inhibitions and the un...continued
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C83c832ac4865208bba7331dd2976162 Izaiah @Izaiah - about 5 years ago
Ukraine investigates grenade attack on Kiev TV station
Ukraine investigates grenade attack on Kiev TV stationKIEV, July 13 (Reuters) - Ukrainian authorities said on Saturday they were investigating an attack on a Kiev television station owned by an opposition election candidate, which caused damage but injured no one.An unkno...continued
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9b25e3cdd7708c288912746ec95d7c9b Liliane @Liliane - almost 3 years ago
How White nationalists lure young new recruits
White identity politics is arguably the most politically influential form of identity politics. In the latest "Reality Check with John Avlon: Extremist Beat," Avlon discusses how an image makeover, jokes & memes are luring a new generation into White national…
211021130728 p2 white identity politics 1 super tease
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Eac8a1ccc60323b8c8f2660965836fef Immanuel @Immanuel - over 3 years ago
Meghan McCain is, again, in the hot seat over diversity comments
Co-host of "The View" Meghan McCain is under fire for implying her job was in jeopardy due to identity politics. See what she said and how her co-host responded.
210324170837 meghan mccain the view super tease
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B1adb7ec7ad84fbf0007aae5b870eb61 Alan @Alan - almost 4 years ago
Tapper: GOP officials no longer need to go along with Trump, but ...
CNN's Jake Tapper says President Donald Trump's influence in American politics will continue beyond the 2020 election.
201108101355 jake tapper 11082020 super tease
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Da22e3d6f8549192c3eca95f63ffdcdc Elody @Elody - over 5 years ago
Tom Cotton says overturn Roe v. Wade because medical science only ‘informs’ these decisions
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), a staunch opponent of abortion rights, demanded on Sunday that the Supreme Court overturn its Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey precedents and leave abortion rights up for to the voters. Asked whether the decision should be based on medic...continued
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5f2a5d252075b249ec8e8890761ce609 Arvid @Arvid - about 4 years ago
SE Cupp: Here's how I know Trump's push to reopen schools is self-serving
Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.Source: CNNPowered by NewsAPI.org
200708132802 se cupp 07082020 super tease
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769b45cbbba62f6d3aa67bb11e7a293f Raoul @Raoul - over 5 years ago
India’s Taj Mahal of trash is a toxic nightmare
The Taj Mahal, the famous 240-foot-high tomb, is India’s best known landmark. But now a different sort of tomb, New Delhi’s Ghazipur landfill — dubbed “rubbish mountain” — is projected to surpass that height next year, creating a very different mark on the land. This Taj ...continued
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34392094b518c79e322481ceb0004cbf Colin @Colin - about 5 years ago
"Don't Violate the NAP"
"Don't Violate the NAP" Be sure to visit:Source: Targetliberty.comPowered by NewsAPI.org
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B2e1b8b378e5e7660ec2a2923ad69789 Marlon @Marlon - about 3 years ago
Turkish mob boss Peker questioned by Dubai police - Reuters
Sedat Peker, a convicted Turkish mob boss whose online videos have shaken Turkish politics, was questioned by Dubai police and released after several hours on Sunday, according to his press adviser and a comment by Peker on Twitter.
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24490084fc6f12363038e6f513dd8ace Myles @Myles - over 5 years ago
North Carolina Republicans picked a bigot in do-over primary
State Sen. Dan Bishop prevailed in Tuesday’s Republican primary race to fill North Carolina’s 9th District congressional seat, with 48% of the vote. The results of the previous election during the 2018 midterms had been tossed out following an alleged ballot tampering sca...continued
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76cef6f73945104b91bf5d96ec4a3ce2 Rowan @Rowan - 11 months ago
An Alleged Deepfake of UK Opposition Leader Keir Starmer Shows the Dangers of Fake Audio
British fact-checkers are racing to debunk a suspicious audio recording of UK opposition leader Keir Starmer.
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29d678841773a96cd144675798d50e70 Maida @Maida - over 5 years ago
Rep. Steve Chabot won’t impeach Trump because his lies weren’t under oath
Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) did not just vote to impeach President Bill Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in 1998; he was one of the House Managers who unsuccessfully prosecuted the case before the United States Senate. Now in his 12th term in the House, Chabot ...continued
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B2e1b8b378e5e7660ec2a2923ad69789 Marlon @Marlon - about 5 years ago
Border Agents Joked About Dead Migrants
Border Agents Joked About Dead Migrants“Members of a secret Facebook group for current and former Border Patrol agents joked about the deaths of migrants, discussed throwing burritos at Latino members of Congress visiting a detention facility in Texas on Monday and posted...continued
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125f097c91a427394e6d36ae98c72376 Elaina @Elaina - over 5 years ago
Judge orders Florida to provide Spanish-speaking ballots to displaced Puerto Ricans
A federal judge ordered dozens of Florida counties to provide Spanish-language ballots and other election materials to Puerto Rican voters displaced by Hurricane Maria, ahead of the March 2020 presidential primary elections. Last summer, a coalition of advocacy groups sue...continued
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Bbe6309a1d067c75a83f525952377ae7 Rahsaan @Rahsaan - almost 4 years ago
SE Cupp: Making fun of seniors seems like bad politics
Dangerous TikTok trends go viral because we like to be likedSource: CNNPowered by NewsAPI.org
201014153231 se cupp monologue 1014 super tease
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Dd00644dc8212e2e9fd2e6ce7a756bbf Jerrold @Jerrold - over 5 years ago
Paying off debts to regain their votes will cost Florida’s disenfranchised more than $1 billion
Floridians with felony convictions will have to pay at least $1 billion in fines and fees before being allowed to exercise their newly restored right to vote under the terms of a new Republican-backed bill. Last November, Florida voters overwhelmingly passed Amendment 4, ...continued
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517b70d8d6fde87cc5b8e754959e4212 Ezequiel @Ezequiel - 12 months ago
How a Thinktank Got the Cost of Net Zero for the UK Wildly Wrong
An anonymous reader shares a report: Imagine demanding an "honest" debate over the cost of net zero in a report full of errors that even a schoolboy would be embarrassed about. Then imagine getting coverage of your report in the Sun, Times, Daily Mail, Daily …
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40e54b9707df84c11f580308a13132cb Hulda @Hulda - over 3 years ago
Smerconish: GOP's fear of their base is warranted
Fearing the base, House GOP members voted differently in private than in public. CNN's Michael Smerconish asks, if Marjorie Taylor Greene's brand of politics ends up dominating the party, will minority leader Kevin McCarthy feel "buyer's remorse"?
210206105842 smerconish commentary 0206 vpx super tease
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C32976707dcb28036c1f4ea777f1875b Kraig @Kraig - about 5 years ago
Democrats’ Debate Prep Gets Real
Democrats’ Debate Prep Gets RealNew York Magazine: “Biden debated well during the 2008 cycle and as the vice-president in 2012, but it’s been seven years, and now he knows he’s everyone’s top target. Multiple candidates who are set to debate him next week are expecting bo...continued
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