
Jeff Brotzski


Look and feel your best!
Skills and Interests

Health Coach with a passion for helping others. Father Entrepreneur Friend.
Jeff Brotzski upvoted the following post over 4 years ago:
54bbf6b8b005f6a8dd04f7c229fa2fdf Jeff Brotzski @healthandhapiness - over 4 years ago
Start Losing Weight Now
When someone joins my personal coaching program, one of the first things I ask them to do is to describe exactly what their body is going to look like once I help them reach their goal weight. I ask them to do this in writing – not over the phone, and here’s why…Deeply im...continued
3 minutes read
54bbf6b8b005f6a8dd04f7c229fa2fdf Jeff Brotzski @healthandhapiness - over 4 years ago
Start Losing Weight Now
When someone joins my personal coaching program, one of the first things I ask them to do is to describe exactly what their body is going to look like once I help them reach their goal weight. I ask them to do this in writing – not over the phone, and here’s why…Deeply im...continued
3 minutes read