
chris ken


the best weight loss advice. useful tips home exercises, healthy recipes, achieve your goals with us
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868f9305a23d743a72238f6594739703 chris ken @chrisken - about 4 years ago
How to loss weight fast Losing Weight is Easy
Is it easy to lose abdominal weight fast? It can be if you are motivated enough to stick to a routine and particularly, limit your dietary intake to only essential healthy foods. Even the slightest slip up can result in extra tummy fat if you are particularly prone to put...continued
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3 minutes read
868f9305a23d743a72238f6594739703 chris ken @chrisken - about 4 years ago
Fast Weight Losing program tips that work
It's the Holy Grail for many of us... if I had a dollar for every time I've wished I could find a fast weight losing program that worked... I'd be a rich man. Instead, I've wasted money on weight management programs that promised much... but didn't deliver... not in the l...continued
Images  27
4 minutes read